CliqueClack TV

Grey’s Anatomy – Rise Up



(Season 5, Episode 7)

“I see dead people!” – Cristina, on seeing a roomful of cadavers

Cristina cracked me up in this episode. Her gleeful quote about finding dead people in the basement, and then her hysterical laughter about Sloan trying to come onto her all day … these are the things I love about Cristina. She can be snarky and funny and hard-edged without being mean.

The recent episode where she treated the interns like cattle … that was just mean. Maybe it helps that she’s getting a little of her own medicine back from Major McBadass, like when he said she should quit focusing on the contests (i.e. the solo surgery) and pay more attention to the patients as human beings.

And about the cadavers … isn’t there anyone looking after those poor souls in the basement? Can any intern or doctor just waltz in there and start cutting them open and such?

I sort of liked the storyline about Izzie seeing Denny all over the place, but I wish he hadn’t shown back up at the end. How’s she supposed to move on with Alex when Denny’s still lurking around?

The robot patient was just plain creepy, and it took me a minute or two to figure out that the Chief was actually doing the voice. I dunno what I thought … that the robot was reading peoples’ thoughts? Crazy! Hey, at least it didn’t take me as long as it took George.

The story with the older guy trying to resuscitate his wife was just heartbreaking. I guess that was the ethical storyline of the episode, and it shows that there really are no hard and fast answers when it comes to life and death.

I can understand why Erica would be majorly ticked about Izzie’s heart-stealing shenanigans (and way to bring the storyline back around, writers!), but I’m with Callie on this one. What good would it do for Erica to start reporting things to a higher board? At this point, it’s only going to put everyone and the hospital in jeopardy. I dunno, where do you guys stand on this? Should Izzie still facing the firing line for her past sins?

Oh, and more Major McBadass, please.

7 Responses to “Grey’s Anatomy – Rise Up”

November 7, 2008 at 1:42 PM

I half-watch this show at this point. I stopped really watching after the Izzy/Denny debacle. It really pissed me off that she basically got a slap on the wrist for it. So, for me, I was glad to see it come back, but I hate that it’s getting swept under the rug again. Bull-effing-shite did Izzy learn from that.

BAH now you’re getting me all angry again. Screw this show!

November 7, 2008 at 2:06 PM

Oh, that other commenter is so hostile! ;-) I agree, let sleeping dogs lie except when they make Denny appear — love that! And agreed: more McBadass! :-) I loved it at the end when he said under his breath, “Single malt scotch.”

November 7, 2008 at 3:07 PM

Jane, I love you and your reviews.

But I disagree with your post about Hahn. She is right, it was unethical what Izzie did and would have been a more powerful story to alienate Hahn further from the other doctors, bring the ethical review board in, get Izzie exonerated, and Hahn get fed up, and then leave at the end of the season or early next season, rather than the haphazard way it was done.

The scene with Callie represented her being fed up with everything and Callie’s inability to commit fully; her siding with Izzie was the last straw, after Hahn was there to commisserate after everything went down.

Brooke Smith was EXCELLENT. She will be missed.

November 7, 2008 at 8:16 PM

Oh, I so agree about Brooke Smith. I couldn’t stand Hahn for the longest time, but then they finally gave her a personal storyline. The scene she did last week at the opening of the show (you know, the one they fired her right after!) was so amazing. I was really excited to see what she could do as an actress once they actually gave her a scene with some chops. I am truly saddened that we won’t get to see her character develop more.

November 7, 2008 at 3:46 PM

I want more george!!! but anyway, these episode was fine (it has been the best of the season… kind off… :)

November 7, 2008 at 8:12 PM

Seeing Denny just reminded me how badly that gorgeous man needs a show of his own. Damn Shonda – she promised us he would have one after Denny died. Where the hell is that show???

I can understand what Hahn was feeling, but she wasn’t there. Every character on the show has things they don’t want to be judged, and she just needed a day to step back and get some perspective. However, I understand she won’t get that chance.

The dummy was funny. Kudos to George for standing by his man and trying to save him, come what may!

I don’t love Cristina, and have rarely been able to feel her emotional side. I find her continually offensive, even though I try see what everyone else does in the character. Here’s hoping the new dude (who I enjoyed much more in this episode, and like where they are taking him) is able to bring something out of her that we have never seen.

I didn’t miss Meredith and Derek in this episode at all. Maybe they will ride off into the sunset at the end of the season. HAHAaaahhhaaaaa! I wish.

November 10, 2008 at 11:17 AM

Well I thought the epi was fine in fact. I liked that Denny reappeared – yeah, he needs a show of his own, he’s pure magic the man. I am concerned that he’s staying around for so long…. I like him and it’s very romantic but Izzie must move on and I hope she doesn’t walk into the light one day to meet him!
Alex needs some peace and love too.
I loved Cristina, I thought she was hilarious as always and Marc saying ‘this didn’t just happen to me’ was fantastic, I couldn’t help laughing. I hope Mer and Der would have more quality screen time together but hey, the show is about other characters too, not just them, and I thought the robot thing was funny with the chief watching how George tried to keep him alive.
McBadass needs to stay, he’s interesting and sexy :)
As for Erica and Callie, I’m so tired of everyone going mad because they’re over and because Brooke is gone that I will keep it brief and simple: Brooke is a fantastic actress but her character is not the most important or the best in GA and I don’t she needs to be there that bad. Plus, her storyline with Callie didn’t appeal me. Maybe Callie with another woman, or Erica with another woman (i.e. Sadie) would have been nice but these 2 had no chemistry to me and Callie seemed everything but sure about them so I’m glad they broke up. I agree though with Erica that Izzie should have been punished more (in real life) for what she did but this is a show people, and I agree with Callie: in this life many things are GREY, not just BLACK OR WHITE.
That is why Erica doesn’t fit there, she’s all black and white and therefore she’s not Grey’s material.

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