CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Let It Go



(Season 2, Episode 5)

“I forgot how much fun irresponsibility is.” – Sam to Naomi, having sex and reveling in the fact that they don’t have to run the practice anymore

Whoa! So let me get this straight. There’s 10,000 square feet of prime office space sitting empty on the fourth floor, and Addison never knew about it? She’s been there a while, right?

And Sam and Naomi were holding onto the space hoping to expand the practice eventually, but in the meantime, they’re going bankrupt with the practice they currently have? Talk about numbskulls! WTF is wrong with these people?!

And if there’s a fourth floor, what’s on the second and third floors? I’m guessing other office space, since I’ve never seen any of the Oceanside Wellness people climb a staircase or take an elevator. Anyhoo…

On my review last week, Lisa commented that she really liked Private Practice, but hoped they wouldn’t be doing the “Morally Questionable Medical Question of the Week” thing every week. It certainly seems like that’s how things are shaking out, doesn’t it?

This week’s Morally Questionable Medical Question of the Week (let’s call it MQMQW) revolved around father’s rights and sperm donors and whether a dying 17-year-old girl should be able to have a baby because she wants to … what? Leave a living legacy for someone else to take care of after she’s gone?

First of all, everyone involved in this storyline is bonkers. The girl is dying. The boy doesn’t want to be a father. And her parents, I guess, were going to raise the baby. It’s just all so … in-your-face MQMQW. I can just picture the writers sitting around a table trying to dream up the MQMQW while sipping Diet Coke and eating Doritos.

Another in-your-face storyline was Sam getting an earring and making a Bucket List. I don’t know if it’s mid-life crisis or just that he doesn’t want to be with Naomi. Maybe a little of both. The only problem here is that they’re perfect for each other and love spending time together.

Charlotte getting the space on the fourth floor should provide plenty of wacky hijinks in the weeks ahead. I’m sure we’ll get to see lots of desk sex with Cooper, as well as a few catfights with the female Oceanside docs just a few floors down. She and Violet will butt heads, and…should I go on? Nah, I’ll leave a few predictable storylines for the writers to come up with.

Oh, I almost forgot about the other MQMQW: The politician friend who wants Violet to destroy her medical records, because the file holds a deep dark secret about the friend killing her abusive mother years ago. Dorito, anyone? Is there any more Diet Coke in the break room?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General |

11 Responses to “Private Practice – Let It Go”

November 6, 2008 at 2:46 AM

Never seen them ride an elevator?

November 6, 2008 at 2:54 AM

Dorv – No. Have you? Is there an elevator in the Oceanside Wellness Clinic?

November 6, 2008 at 3:03 AM

In the last scene when Addison tells Naomi she already leased the fourth floor, they both get on the elevator.

November 6, 2008 at 3:21 AM

Hilda – I stand corrected on that. My point is that the clinic itself covers only the first floor, doesn’t it? I don’t think they ride around in the elevators all the time, do they? I dunno, maybe they do. Have they ever said what’s on the second and third floors?

November 6, 2008 at 7:12 AM

Jane — If I recall correctly, in the pilot, Addison was in the elevator and someone was talking to her and she didn’t know where the voice was coming from. Remember that? The elevator was in that entire episode.

But I’ve stopped watching this show since then.

November 6, 2008 at 6:58 PM

Keith: Yeah, they killed the “talkin elevator” after the backdoor pilot, but they’ve always used the elevator not disimilar (though not as often) as they do on Grey’s.

November 6, 2008 at 7:22 AM

Remember the pilot within Greys Anatomy? They had a lady that talked to Addison in the elevator and she thought she was hearing things. They must have fired that lady because she hasn’t been on since. I wonder if the 1st 2 floors are a parking garage?

November 6, 2008 at 10:19 AM

Ditto. In fact, forget the pilot. Almost every single episode shows them stepping off the elevator, waiting for an elevator or avoiding each other by waiting for another elevator. Heck, the elevator bank is directly opposite Dell’s desk -

November 6, 2008 at 1:43 PM

Agree with An on this one. The elevator introduced almost every character in the beginning of the show and each leaves via the elevator at night. They certainly are not on the first floor, unless that elevator also takes them directly to the garage and their cars. Which is possible.

November 6, 2008 at 1:48 PM

Other than the elevator thing…this show creeped me out. So close to the last election I wanted to beat the crap out of Violet’s old friend. I would expect that is common to politics today.

The 17 year old storyline freaked me out because that girl looked anything but healthy or able to sustain childbirth. I can understand it would be easy to get caught up in the moment, but please!

I don’t mind the MQMQW; it usually is there to hold up the storylines of what is happening in their lives, so it works for me.

I assume since you mentioned diet coke and doritos about 10 times in your write up that there was some product placement? Quit looking for it. I never even see it any more. I have a big old container of Planters cashews right in front of me, but I never even “see” the name. Didn’t even realize I had purchased Planters until you made me look. We all eat name brand food. Who cares?

November 6, 2008 at 2:04 PM

Well, clearly I need to focus less on the sex and more on the elevator! Ok, maybe not.

ModWild – Nah, no particular product placement on the Diet Coke and Doritos – it’s just what came to me when I was writing up the post last night. I was probably wishing *I* had some Diet Coke and Doritos, instead of the stupid rice cake I was eating.

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