CliqueClack TV

Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 13: The Lyin’, the Bitch and the Wardrobe



(Season 2, Episode 6)

“Who cares what he thinks? He looks like Orville Redenbacher.” – Dahlia on Roy, Victory’s assistant, and his opinion of Victory’s designs

I’m not sure moving Lipstick Jungle to Fridays at 10 pm will bode well for the series. Isn’t that where all good shows go to die? I’m guessing NBC had a little more faith in Life, which swapped spots with it on Wednesday at 10 pm. I guess we’ll see if there are enough women home on Friday nights to keep Lipstick moving along.

This episode was directed by Andrew McCarthy, and it’s one of the better ones in terms of story, acting and dialogue.

My favorite storyline was Victory’s splashy opening, which included a fashion show, the firing of Dahlia (wah!), Wendy and Nico coming to her rescue when it all fell apart, and Victory thanking Rodrigo for all his help, instead of Joe, who had a ring in his pocket for Victory.

Joe’s a little misguided if he thinks Victory is going to marry him based on a friendly chat on her front steps last week. Still, I still felt really bad for him. Sure, Rodrigo came to her rescue with his contracting skills, but she and Joe belong together in the long run.

Favorite scene: Victory making the wedding dress work after its water-damage fiasco, and then wearing the dress herself down the runway.

I’m so, so glad that Wendy is starting her own production company. She has the drive and know-how to pull it off, and Sal would have just dragged her down.

Nico’s storyline with Megan and baby Charlie is sweet, if not a little awkward. I think Nico is bestowing gifts and attention on them because she feels like Charlie is the baby she didn’t get to have with Charles. And what do you bet that she asks them to move in with her sometime soon? Wrong move!

This show has some great writing. A couple of memorable lines:

“If you want me and my friends to see it, she’d better be kissing something besides a cow.” – Maddie Healy, on a movie project Wendy is considering.

“I got ambushed by a fetus in Ferragamo’s.” – Wendy, on meeting Paige, the new VP of development at Parador.

Your thoughts?

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2 Responses to “Lipstick Jungle – Chapter 13: The Lyin’, the Bitch and the Wardrobe”

November 1, 2008 at 5:01 PM

This was a really good episode, and it just makes me all the sadder that they moved it to Friday (although Life deserves a non-Friday slot as well.) I don’t think Nico is crazy enough to ask them to move in with her, I suspect the drama for her character will come from her wanting a kid and pretty-boy (I can’t remember his name) not being ready.

November 1, 2008 at 5:29 PM

Yep, i though that too.

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