CliqueClack TV

Private Practice – Past Tense



(Season 2, Episode 4)

One thing I love about Private Practice is the characters. They’re each so different from each other, and they continue to grow from week to week.

Like, for instance, Cooper’s wild past on the Internet dating scene comes back to haunt him when the woman with the non-talking kid remembers seeing a picture of him naked on an Internet dating site. She figures Cooper is a perv and doesn’t want him treating her son (I might have had the same reaction). But when she realizes that Cooper is a great doctor who can actually help her kid, she opens up to the idea of him helping her kid.

We can see the evolution of Cooper’s character, and how he’s starting to want more than just sex with Charlotte. He wants to talk and learn more about each other.

Likewise, Addison is growing and evolving, too. She wants things back the way they used to be with the practice. So they go through the whole campaigning/voting process with Sam and Naomi, and Addison is the one who gets voted in to run the place. It’s a nice twist going forward. I’ve always seen her as a leader, so maybe she’ll be perfect in that role. She’s a take-charge kind of gal who knows how to get things done. And as I recall, she was in the running for the position of chief at Seattle Grace, so being in a leadership role isn’t out of the question for her.

Plus, having Addison in charge leaves Sam and Naomi to move forward with their relationship, as evidenced by their kissing at the end. They’re back to being equals again.

Meanwhile, there’s a side of Pete, a.k.a. Peter, that we never knew about — his life working in Doctors Without Borders, and the past girlfriend who arrives to give a little backstory there (though I thought that was a little over-the-top when she bounced into the room and kissed him passionately in front of the entire staff). She brings out a wild side to him, someone who might be up for trudging through jungles to save starving kids.

Your thoughts on this episode?

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4 Responses to “Private Practice – Past Tense”

October 30, 2008 at 5:28 PM

I kind of wonder about this. I didn’t quite understand how Sam and Addison could take over the practice from Naomi, considering Addison was a junior member and no one else voted. Also, aren’t Sam and Naomi actual owners of the practice or don’t they at least own a majority of it? So how exactly could Addison take it over?

October 30, 2008 at 9:03 PM

Well, ostensibly even if they’re the owners of the business, Addison could still be the manager, especially since they were claiming that they would abide by the results of the election no matter what.

I really like this show, mostly because I really like Addison, but I hope they won’t be doing this “Morally Questionable Medical Question of the Week!” thing every week. I know they basically do it on Grey’s, but on PP it just feels so blatant, and like they don’t just trust the characters to make the show interesting without incest or rape or whatever it is next week.

October 30, 2008 at 7:49 PM

An – All that occurred to me, too, but I guess we’re not supposed to think about that stuff. :-)

November 1, 2008 at 6:49 PM

I liked it. This season is so much better than last. It seems that the writers are finding their groove. -Or is it a different creative team?

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