Sci Fi
(Season 5, Episode 12)
As we count down these last remaining episodes of Atlantis, episodes like “Outsiders” should be expected. It’s time to start looking back at the past and wrapping up some loose ends. And so we find ourselves being called back to the Hoffan drug of “Poisoning The Well.” It seems that the Wraith have decided just how to deal with the drug, and it’s not an unexpected decision. That’s not to say that the episode was predictable. The story brought with it some complicated morality questions, and at least one of the answers was rather unexpected.
This one took me a little while to really get into. I was happy to see Beckett return, and the return to the Hoffan drug story, but the underlying story in the village wasn’t the most original. The evil force assuring the population that if they hand over the wanted party they’ll be left alone has really been done a lot. It made it pretty obvious that someone would be cutting their own deal.
Because of that, the initial talks among the elders concerning what to do with the Balarans didn’t do a lot for me. I started coming on board when Sefaris (G. Michael Gray) started talking about a deal of his own. As soon as he mentioned the man of great value hiding in the village, it had to be Beckett. While obvious, it signaled that business was about to pick up.
You could certainly argue that being imprisoned on the hive ship brought its own dose of familiarity. I was ok with that though, because it really was a treat to see McKay and Beckett together again. The short time there covered the full spectrum. There was the comedy of the two of them jammed into the cockpit together. And, of course, McKay’s brilliant solution to their escape problem. The best bit of it though was Beckett putting his foot down with the Wraith, gambling everything on his results, and the drug actually working.
Sci Fi
Meanwhile, back on the ground, we get to that unexpected answer I mentioned at the beginning. You knew Elson (Joel Polis) was going to want to protect the Balarans because it was the right thing to do. And you knew Jervis (Sean Tyson) was going to sell them out in a misguided attempt to protect himself and his family. The part I didn’t see coming was Sheppard blowing up Jervis and all of his men. Is that really the punishment that fits his actions? Was there no other way to go about luring the Wraith into the mines? You could see how doing it weighed heavily on Elson. It’s an interesting development where Sheppard is concerned, made all that much more interesting given the previews we saw for next week’s episode.
It’s not one that’s going to go down in the SG annals as one of the can’t miss Atlantis entries, but certainly worth the time. I was left with a couple of nagging questions, however. First, did anyone else find it odd that Teyla didn’t sense a whole group of Wraith walking into the town? And second, what happened to Novo (Agam Darshi)? Given how close she was to Beckett, it struck me as strange that there was no followup with her after the first group of Balarans was dropped off. All things considered, I’d call it a good episode.
Regarding, “… gambling everything on his results, and the drug actually working.”
–I thought there was no doubt about the drug working, but what was significant was that Beckett was able to get the detection of that drug to work. And just as important, we learn of yet another example of how brilliant Michael is, he created this clone of Beckett with the Hoffan drug to protect his asset!
–“The part I didn’t see coming was Sheppard blowing up Jervis and all of his men.”
Holy crap! This was a big deal. I couldn’t believe they were OK with that. Sure those guys were jerks, twice, but this was very uncharacteristic wasn’t it?
–“First, did anyone else find it odd that Teyla didn’t sense a whole group of Wraith walking into the town?”
Yes, I thought it was weird she didn’t sense them and couldn’t they also sense her? I thought it was a two-way thing? My sister says it’s not but I forget. Anyway it’s very weird. She should’ve felt them the moment the Wraith stepped through the gate.
–“And second, what happened to Novo (Agam Darshi)?”
YESS!! As an American born person of Indian descent I have been happy with the two episodes (this one and the few episodes before, the “horror” one) where there have been two very pretty Indian women, yeah I am more than a little pleased with that. I was disappointed she didn’t get more screen time. And on that note the episode before where Larin didn’t come (sadness) we were introduced to yet another pretty badass/awesome female leader.
It sucks Atlantis is being canceled. I’ve said this before, I’ll never watch SciFi again, after Atlantis and Battlestar ends. I don’t care if they introduce another Gate show.
Thank you, again, Brett for the gorgeous HD screen caps. Very nice!
I loved Carson’s determination to NOT be a pawn to the Wraith. Very well played (and written).
And yes, it will be interesting to see how ‘Inquisition’ plays out, especially after this week’s events.