(Season 5, Episode 2)
I’m trying an experiment here. Do you really like or care about reading our reviews of these shows, or are you really looking for a place to discuss with others? Would you rather see a condensed recap than a review? A longer recap?
I went ahead and made a slideshow video of this episode, condensing it all down to 60 seconds as best I could (it’s actually 64 seconds, but who’s counting?). It definitely needs some tweaking, so I’d love to hear feedback. What I like about this recap is it’s virtually spoiler-free … if you don’t click to watch the video.
Oh, and excuse the tick-tock sounds. Like I said, it’s an experiment.
Personally, I prefer reviews (opinion of the reviewer) over recaps. Comments about the episode (and the review, in some cases) are nice– but what I’m really here for is to organize my thoughts and opinions after watching a show.
Oh– and one additional comment :)
I get what you’re trying to do with the ‘preview’ review posts– but they’re a little confusing to me. I tend to keep TV-review sites out of my RSS reader so I don’t know if updated posts are considered updated by RSS as well, but generally if I’m skimming for new posts and I see a title/graphic I’ve seen before, I consider that my stopping point. Essentially… I’ve “caught up.”
It’s a bit of an annoyance to remind myself “Oh, that post might have been a preview post earlier. I should check it again to see if there’s a review now.”
Although I totally understand the need for clickthroughs :)
It was never meant as any sort of trick for more clickthroughs. We wanted to give people a place to talk about the episode while they waited for our review. Sometimes we get pretty burned out staying up an hour or more after a show ends at 11PM, just to get the review done for everyone in a timely manner.
So are you miffed if a review isn’t up by, say, noon the next day? Does that matter?
I prefer what you’re doing right now on the site. Where you have the nice balance of reviews (incorporating opinions and a bit of recaps). And, I think the length is fine, as well. I also like that I not only have a place to read them, but also a place to interact with other people. I also like the mini TV features i.e. CC4Kids. I don’t want to make this a comparison, as I don’t want this site to disappear or morph into what the-site-that-shall-not-be-named has, but I like what’s happening on CC so far; so, please, keep up what you’re doing!!
I agree with both main points that Troy made. I prefer opinions and editorials rather than plain jane reviews. I consider the main posts here to be a spark for discussion and, personally, I don’t usually want to discuss things unless an opinion is given and I agree or disagree with it in some way.
As far as the placeholder posts that tell you to come back later for a full review…one word…LOATHE. I really wish those would go away pronto. For basically the same reasons that Troy pointed out. When I see them come across my rss feed reader I don’t want to have to remember to go back and read them later. Present them to me when you’ve got some content please. From what I’ve seen they don’t seem to be sparking too much ‘during the show’ dialog anyway.
ok, now that I’ve actually fully READ what troy said it appears I’ve given a completely different reason to dislike the placeholder/pre-show posts. >.<
I like reading the reviews, not the recaps (in particular the Heroes recaps) I wish your reviews of shows were longer! A lot of the reviews don’t cover as much as I wish!
Another vote for reviews and opinions.
And two (can I vote twice) to get rid of the preview posts!!!
I prefer a recap. The “recappee” might have noticed something I missed. Also get rid of the preshow post.
I always read Jay’s recap/review and love it.
I second D-Bo. Just look at Jay’s review of tonights “The Office”: That is EXACTLY what I like to read.
I don’t want a recap, since I’m not mentally challenged and can master the plot of a 25 minute comedy. What I really like is an opinionated review, which points out what worked, what didn’t work, some clever references I did not know of. That kind of stuff.
But don’t get me wrong: These reviews should also be critizing if there is a need to. If there is one thing I hate it is fanboy/fangirl postings raving everything.
And: These preview-postings/placeholders are awful. Please get rid of them.
I don’t even see a review of the office here, just that video… am I missing something?
I was referring to Jay’s review over at TV Squad, didn’t make that clear. My bad.
TV Squad? What’s that?
I agree, that’s the format i prefer as well.
I like reviews over recaps. I have already seen the show, so don’t need a scene by scene rehash. I enjoy the writer’s opinions of the show, then like to read the posts and throw in my two cents. I do not like the preview posts at all, wait until there is something to write about, then post the review.
As others above me said, i like to see reviews instead of recaps. It’s the opinions of the authors that makes the site unique.
I also like a good review where the writer gives us their opinion of an episode, good or bad. As long as they know what actually happened on the show. As far as length of reviews, the better the episode or if there were a lot of great quotes or some really heavy shit went down I wouldn’t mind if they were longer than a boring episode of something else where nothing much happened. Any chance of reviewing It’s Always Sunny?
reviews too!!! :)
Keep the reviews. A good review is like hearing a friend talk about the episode, and it makes me want to respond – “Yeah, that WAS the best line!”
As for this episode, the Meredith/Michael/Holly plot was a bit awkward even by Office standards, but the Battlestar Galactica scene between Jim, Andy, and Dwight was the funniest thing I’ve seen this TV season.
I don’t read recaps. I don’t go to sites unless they have the thoughts of the writer.