CliqueClack TV

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Goodbye to All That



(Season 2, Episode 5)

“He’s not a soldier” – Sarah Connor

“No.  Not yet.” – Derek Reese

Hey Terminator fans – let’s raise a cheer for our favorite show!  Hip hip!… *cricket chirps*.  Hip hip!… *cricket chirps*.  Well, crap.  I forgot no one watches this show.  Come on everyone, get with the program!

I am continually impressed with how good this show is.  It’s so hard to take an existing mythology and make it your own and adapt it for TV without ruining it or compromising.  They’re doing a really excellent job staying true to the look and feel of Terminator.  Even better than that mediocre third movie, in my opinion.

I thought tonight’s episode kept up the high quality that we’ve been seeing all season.  I actually think the season premiere may have been the weakest episode so far.  It wasn’t quite as action packed as I had hoped, but it was still a good installment.

The flashes to the future are really working well this year.  Tonight was a particularly strong example as we saw the history of an important resistance fighter, Martin Bedell – both fighting alongside Derek in the future, and as a military academy student in the present.  It was a great setting to show off the damaged soldier personality of Derek.  I just wish he would tell John to stop being such a whiny baby and man up. Anyone else sick of seeing him mope?  I mean, seriously, this is the dude who is going to save the human race.  Oy.

I thought the subplot with Sarah and the other Martin Bedell was effective too.  They’ve been trying to humanize Sarah a lot in the past couple episode, which brings up the question – do they really need to be doing this?  I guess they’re playing off the fact that she was out of John’s life for so long (in the nut house), but that seems like so far in the past now.

In other news, Katherine Weaver continues to be creepy.  This week she killed some dude by presumably drowning him with her liquid metal during a kiss?  Um … gross….

Looks like the next episode is going to be Cameron-heavy, featuring some hot girl-on-girl machine-on-machine action.  What do you guys think?  Are you going to be tuning in?  Want to see Sarah getting into some action instead of just making moon eyes at little boys and pregnant ladies?  Are you as curious as I am where this Ellison subplot is going?  Does anyone else have the inexplicable urge to buy a Dodge Ram?

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles – Goodbye to All That”

October 6, 2008 at 8:59 PM

How many episodes are finished?
This super sucks! I quite enjoy this show.

October 6, 2008 at 10:00 PM

Its much better than last season. I am really interested how the future and the present are feeding off of each other. Green has made a great addition to the full cast.

Oh, and I love Summer Glau. Just saying.

October 7, 2008 at 12:43 AM

Who is the cartoon boy next to your name? That does not look like you! ;)

Before Fox pulls the plug – I would like to know the true purpose of Cameron hiding the metal…

October 7, 2008 at 2:37 AM

Eh… I tried. Yahoo’s got this avatar building thing, and I tried to get it to look like me, but about the only thing that I could get right about it was the nice lifeguard uniform. However, that picture would have been way too damn small for the little box.

And how do you know anyways? Its not like my TVS avatar was big enough, or I probably wouldn’t have used it… Are you ‘net stalking me?

Next you’re gonna tell me that Tim-1 is living next door (Come to think of it, the lifesize Grace Park cut out in the neighbor’s yard would be a dead give away…

October 7, 2008 at 9:40 AM

No – Just thought you might be older than 10. And Tim-1 lives a block away from you. :)

October 6, 2008 at 10:24 PM

What a fitting title for the episode considering it can be canceled any time now.

October 6, 2008 at 10:53 PM

I wonder if maybe they are OVER doing the “let’s humanize-Sarah” thing. Last week she was on the verge of going to Lamaze classes with the pregnant neighbor lady, tonight it was Sarah the babysitter. Ok, I get it, she’s human, is deeply wounded that she missed out being a normal mother to John. Now, let’s get the lady a shotgun and get back to business.

This product placement thing is beginning to bug me. Here is this group of resistance fighters… living underground… off the grid… and they drive around in this big shiny new Dodge pickup! Did they steal it? BUY it outright for cash? Who keeps it so shiny clean, Cameron maybe? Most importantly, are we going to see it crashed and blown up? Please?

Also, WHY are they drawing other people into their life? John’s new girlfriend, the pregnant neighbor lady… don’t they realize what situation they are putting these innocent people into? The terminators (and BTW….where is Cromartie anyway??) will just end up using them like Charlie’s wife.

Still, I’m enjoying the show and will stay with it as long as it lasts. Here’s hoping Fox gives it a chance.

October 6, 2008 at 11:26 PM

You know, canceling any show this that was hot before the strike and not afterward is wrong. Everyone knows hiatuses such as those kill a show, and they need time to get their viewers back. It’s just the way it is.

I don’t get the Katherine Ellison thing at all. Is she like the laziest terminator ever or something? She needs to pull this guy in to do her sleuthing? Couldn’t she figure that out by herself in like two minutes? I have no idea what her purpose is yet.

I liked the flash forwards. I hope they continue. The storytelling this season has been incredible. And I’ve never watched Dancing with the Stars. I rock!

October 7, 2008 at 8:18 AM

Let me get my dictionary.

Ah yes.

A show in which none of your actions have any consequences is listed as “good” in here too. Not.

Sorry, I can’t watch this anymore. I can’t suspend my disbelief anymore. At a certain point I am simply reminded of T3. Nothing you can do will prevent the rise of the machines. All your actions are futile.

The last episode of this show will be John Connor entering a vault. That’s just it. 99% of huminity will die. The machines will rise. And I am honestly not quite interested in who’s going to make it and who isn’t. It just doesn’t matter.

October 7, 2008 at 9:56 PM

I like the show and hope it will last long enough to see where the writers are going with some of the underlying plot lines.

October 8, 2008 at 3:55 PM

love the episode.

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