CliqueClack TV

True Blood – Sparks Fly Out

(Season 1, Episode 5)



(Season 1, Episode 5)

“You have no future with a vampire!” – Sam to Sookie

Well, well, well … we sure learned a few things about Bill tonight. I’ve been wondering how he became a vampire, and all was revealed. It just figures that a girl would be the culprit, but that scene where she slits her neck and makes him drink her blood, because without it, he’d die? Ew, ew, ew. It’s like she raped him, which is, ugh…

Jason is such a V-head to be doing it AGAIN after having that eggplant experience last week! Can you believe it? Talk about an addict. Then again, Lafayette talks a pretty good talk. If you’re even leaning that way in the least, it would be hard to say no.

I like Sookie with Sam, but I kind of like her better with Bill. They’re both kind of lonely droopy-dogs in need of a hug, but there’s something about Bill’s tragic past that makes me feel for him in a big way. And Sookie seems like the kind of girl who needs a thrill (though I’m sure she’ll get that with either one of them).

Plus, she couldn’t follow through after Sam kissed her. She brushed him off because I think she’s stuck on Bill. Even more so after Sam got in her face about being with a vampire. You’ve gotta admit, it would be odd to fall for a guy who never aged while you got older and older with each passing year. Maybe she just doesn’t want to go there.

And what’s Tara’s problem with Sookie going out with Sam? Does Tara have a thing for Sam? I thought she was all over Jason (until she caught him with that chick at the end).

And who killed Adele?! No, if you know, don’t tell me! I don’t want to know yet. I sure didn’t see that coming, though. Sigh…

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | True Blood |

5 Responses to “True Blood – Sparks Fly Out”

October 5, 2008 at 11:08 PM

I’m just watching now, but Tara would no doubt feel weird about Sookie and Sam since Tara and Sam did the horizontal mambo last week.

And as much as I like Sam, um….he’s no Bill. Bill is sexy, Sam is more hardened boy next door. I’ll always do the bad sexy boy first. Now just bring him on over.

October 5, 2008 at 11:13 PM

“Bill is sexy, Sam is more hardened boy next door.”

Modwild – Great description! I so agree.

October 6, 2008 at 3:05 PM

Well, first of all, ew to the JS backdoor sex outside the backdoor. How has penis not fallen off yet? I love Lafayette’s friendship with Jason. While I haven’t read the books and the character doesn’t strike me as a drug-dealer, the actor does such a great job with Lafayette’s extension that I’d hate to meet him in a back alley. I’m pretty certain he’d convince me he could turn water into wine, silver to gold and swamp land into condo plots. I just realized that TB sometimes feels disjointed to me because each show feels like a chapter. While most TV eps tend to be 80% contained, novels build off the previous chapter, such as TB. Which I guess is good and bad. Lastly, :( for this week’s ending.

November 12, 2008 at 2:46 PM

**Small tidbits about the book series, possible (but not likely) spoilers for people.**

Lafayette was not nearly this developed as a character in the book series. He also was not related to Tara at all and Tara was Caucasian in the book series. Quite frankly, this far into the 1st book I think the only things we knew about Lafayette are that he works as the cook at Merlotte’s and that he works with Jason for the town. It was very limited on his personal life and there was no subplot of being a drug dealer that I can recall.

October 6, 2008 at 9:45 PM

Can’t belive that they kill the grandma!!!, she is such a great actress, that made every little line spark… we will miss you!!!

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