CliqueClack TV

Life – Everything… All the Time



(Season 2, Episode 2)

“I’ve really gotta get a car.” – Charlie

First things first: Wow! How about that hot scene in the back seat between Charlie and his ex-wife?! I especially liked it when she said, “Oh God, I remember that!” I knew it! It’s always the ones you think don’t that do.

Too bad she listened to the moral brain-chatter and cut things off mid-that. Aw, come on! So it’s your husband’s car! What are you, the moral compass of the universe? Pish-posh. Yeah, I played it a couple times. Got a problem with that?

Aside from scenes like that one, I love the music in this show. Especially that last tune that played while Charlie (in his sleek new car) pulled over Reese’s dad. Does anyone know a good site where they list all the music for current episodes? I looked around a bit and didn’t see anything on the official site either. Let me know if you find one.

I’m also unclear as to the connection between Jack Reese and Ted Early and the dead family. And Jack’s comment to Ted: “I know Crews has that girl,” meaning Rachel. Anyone? Or is that all part of the conspiracy?

As Rich mentioned in his review of the premiere earlier this week, it’s been a while since the last season ended, so there are probably a few folks like me who need to get caught up on what’s what. And stock up on fans.

Next episode: Monday, Oct. 6, 10 p.m.

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Life – Everything… All the Time”

October 4, 2008 at 3:36 AM

“I’m also unclear as to the connection between Jack Reese and Ted Early and the dead family. And Jack’s comment to Ted: “I know Crews has that girl,” meaning Rachel. Anyone? Or is that all part of the conspiracy?”

AFAIK Ted has no connection to the family, Jack was only pushing on him to get to Charlie. Jack is a central piece to the conspiracy and I suspect once Charlie gets to the bottom of his involvement then he’ll have found the answer he’s been looking for. Despite the official record, Charlie knows that Rachel was home the night her family was killed and thus holds information that could prove vital to busting open this conspiracy.

I thought it was a solid episode. I’m quickly catching back up to what I liked about the show; Charlie. The flashy car that’s just an “object”, the back and forth with Reese (and his ex), and Damien Lewis’ great performance reminded me what I love about this show.

October 4, 2008 at 9:11 AM

This was so much better than the season premiere. I liked the contrast between Charlie’s Zen and the everything all the time entitlement of the kids. I like the gradual thawing and trust building in the relationship between Dani and Crews. I just want to get a clearer picture of the conspiracy – I didn’t understand the bank robbery connection to the murder and Charlie’s frame. Is there a site where we can catch up?

October 4, 2008 at 10:03 AM

Maserati Quattroporte. With lights and everything. So cool :-)

October 4, 2008 at 10:56 AM

As mentioned, much better episode than the premier. (did it seem to anyone that lewis was having trouble with his accent last week..? He sounded odd).

The murder is connected to the robbery the followig way: the Siebolts (I think that’s the spelling) we laundering money for Reese (and presumably the rest of those involved). He started to skim and was taken out. Crews was framed to take the fall.

I’m incredibly interested in what happens with Rachel. I like the arc brings back Crews’ wife and affects the evolution of that relationship (and yes that scene was fun, but Crews “deserves” better, so I don’t like that pairing). I think Rachel can really be the flashpoint of Crews “growing up,” which will be nice to watch.

Great episode. I love this show and glass it’s back.

October 4, 2008 at 11:27 AM

Thanks for all the great intel, guys. So does Dani Reese know her dad is in the thick of it?

October 4, 2008 at 12:25 PM

Great episode, yes. Man I love this show!!

And yeah, Dani knows her dad had something to do with framing Charlie, you might have got that from last week actually, when Charlie asked her if she wanted to know his secret, she was the one going “which one? the one having to do with my father and you spending time in jail”…
But she doesn’t know what exactly his father did, nor does she wants to at this point.

About the song: The Path To Zen has some music info: Charlie driving his new Maserati, pulling Jack over : Emergency 911, by Sloane. Can be found on Parallel Play

October 4, 2008 at 1:58 PM

Folks, I agree with those who said that this episode was better than the premiere. I chalked up last week’s episode to returning series jitters and know it would improve.

To add info about Jack, Crews found out about his involvement in the conspiracy that put him in jail at the end of last season. Apparently, he was the one who hired the killer who murdered the family. How fast we will know how far into the conspiracy is up in the air right now.

October 4, 2008 at 9:37 PM

about the music — I always go to to check out music I like on different shows.
Of course not all shows are listed — but Life is one of the shows they keep up with (though they might be an episode behind)

okay- I love this show and I really like Charlie and Reese’s work relationship. They are a good pair and and how he just says things out of no where- love it
Glad this show is back

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