CliqueClack TV

Charlaine Harris can’t possibly like True Blood



I know, I know — I’ve got to stop comparing the books to the TV series. Heck, if everyone did that, no one would be watching Dexter, one of the best shows to hit the airwaves in a long while. But I digress…

When I first heard that the Southern Vampire Mysteries series by Charlaine Harris was being made into an HBO drama, True Blood, I dashed for Amazon and ordered the first book. Being the vamp entertainment lover that I am — Buffy, Angel, heck, even Moonlight — I was thrilled to find another series up my alley. Eight books later, I’m hooked. The books are mostly charming, a bit tongue-in-cheek, and fast-moving. They explore other supernatural beings and their “politics,” if you will, and it is very interesting to be on the inside of some rather bizarre rituals.

So now I’m a little worried about Charlaine Harris’ sanity, but still glad she’s writing the crazy.

Now, if you’ve caught True Blood, you know that it ain’t what I’m describing. In fact, it takes charming, likable characters and makes them into vulgar drug users and damaged goods. Or, worse, the characters we are supposed to find attractive instead ooze the ick factor, giving a whole different tone to the show. I would go so far as to say I feel like I need a shower after watching True Blood, whereas after I read the books, I want … well, not a shower. Unless I have company. Digressing again.

Enter Charlaine, who stood shoulder to shoulder with Alan Ball at ComicCon and supported his on-screen version of her books. Really, Charlaine? Alan Ball, who vowed to keep as true to your vision as possible, yet has taken your clever writing and bastardized your world into a not-so-pretty-picture of the southern United States, with a vampire or two thrown in there for a good gross-out factor?

My guess is that Charlaine, even though she was paid a tidy sum for the rights to her books, still vomits after every episode.

Skip the TV series, my friends, and get the books. Yep, they are trashy, but only in the guilty pleasure sort of way, and you won’t feel icky all over after reading them.

Categories: | Clack | General | True Blood |

12 Responses to “Charlaine Harris can’t possibly like True Blood”

October 3, 2008 at 11:07 AM

Well, as a Clacker, I can’t skip the TV series. It’s too good. Anna Paquin absolutely steals the show with an entrancing, utterly convincing portrayal of an innocent, virginal Southern young woman who is still trying to find herself.

Perhaps I’ll read the books afterwards, but this television is just too good to pass up (even if the books are way better). It’s so nice to have Sunday nights back on HBO.

October 3, 2008 at 11:29 AM

Hmmmm…I find Bill sexy so I’ll have to watch. I never read the books, but did think about doing so in anticipation of the series. I am glad I didn’t do that now. I almost read the Temperance Brennan series prior to Bones, and I thin that would have been a mistake for a different reason.

Remember, you’re dealing with HBO and Alan Ball. They are risque and he is dark. Charming and tongue in cheek are not what pop to mind in reference to either.

Unlike David, I find the Sookie portrayal a bit hard to digest. I never noticed how limited Anna’s acting skills can be until this role. And her friend (I liked the orignal actress in the pilot better) is downright embarrassing when it comes to Sookie’s brother.

All that aside, I’ll keep watching. It’s fresh, it’s about vampires, it has a hot (if skanky veering) vamp and it’s renewed. Just about a can’t miss in this world of now-you-see it, now-you-don’t television.

October 3, 2008 at 11:31 AM

I haven’t read the books, but I love the show. I have butterflies in my stomach when I’m watching. Paquin and Moyer have such great chemistry.

October 3, 2008 at 12:02 PM

If you are into vampire stories, I recommend the Sonya Blue series by Nancy Collins. She’s the writer that Sony borrowed heavily from for the Underworld franchise.,%20Nancy%20A

October 3, 2008 at 12:30 PM

I love this show so far, especially the characters – vulgar drug users and damaged goods all. I haven’t read the books and was thinking of picking them up soon, but if they’re ruining your enjoyment of the show, then I guess I’ll hold off on reading them until the series has run it’s course. Don’t want to spoil it for me, too. :)

October 3, 2008 at 1:36 PM

The books are so much better than the show, and a lot less trashy. If you like the show even a tiny bit you owe it to yourself to read the books.

As someone who read the series when it began and has been an avid follower ever since, I am having a hard time getting into the show. I agree that Charlaine Harris must watch them and shake her head.

October 3, 2008 at 2:29 PM

I haven’t read the books, yet but I’m really enjoying the show. I find that it’s usually the case that the original books are better than the TV Show/Movie they are made in to.

I’m also a big fan of Bones and decided to pick up the first couple of books in that series. I REALLY enjoyed them but, other than the main charater’s name “Temperance Brennan” they have no other relation to one another. But I still enjoy both the show and the books (looking forward to getting the rest of the series soon).

October 3, 2008 at 2:32 PM

“Heck, if everyone did that, no one would be watching Dexter,”

Dang, I’m glad I’m not the only person who thought that. After watching the second season or Dexter, I bought the first two books … in my opinion, they’re nowhere near the level of quality that the TV show is.

I’ve avoided the True Blood books because I LIKE that TV show and am worried about the quality of the books in comparison.

October 3, 2008 at 2:46 PM

I’ve read the books and I love the show! Sure, it may not be quite as quirky as the books, but it’s following the general story line really well. I think the quirky will come, as more of the supernatural characters are introduced, but for now we’re dealing with the vamps, and they always came off as more “dark” than quirky to me in the books. With the exception of Pam, perhaps. Tara’s character is quite a bit different, but I like the change for the small screen. Actually, I think it’s a really good adaptation and I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. Can’t wait for the next ep.

October 3, 2008 at 11:38 PM

How sad for you, that reading the books has ruined your experience with this wonderful show. The characters may not be what you expected, but they are amazing already after just four episodes. I can only imagine what it will be like after Alan Ball gets a few more seasons to explore this strange world — if its anything like Six Feet the characters will only continue being more interesting and full of depth.

October 4, 2008 at 1:30 AM

Maybe y’all should do a “books vs. TV show” comparison post. I haven’t seen this one (though it does sound bad), but do have to concur that I prefer TV Dexter to the books. Well, I liked the FIRST book and then it goes downhill there. Blood Ties did an excellent job, and the Dresden Files grew on me.

October 4, 2008 at 3:55 PM

I didn’t read the books, never even knew they existed, and I love the show. It gets better with every episode. As a rule I never go to a movie if I’ve read the book it’s based on, and I don’t read books made into tv series I watch. It’s working so far. Stop comparing, it never ends well…

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