CliqueClack TV

SpoilerSport: October 1, 2008

SpoilerSport and AngryFan hook up once a week to chat it up about television. ‘Sport always seems to have the latest scoop, even if ‘Fan isn’t always thrilled by what is learned. This week they discussed a wide variety of shows including 24, Battlestar Galactica, Boston Legal, Brothers & Sisters, CSI: NY, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, House, The Office, Pushing Daisies, Scrubs and Smallville.


SS: So, I heard that 24 is seeking a couple of younger middle eastern guys for their twentieth episode this season.

AF: Let me guess, they’re tied up with terrorist activities.

SS: Well, yeah, but it’s not like they want–

AF: Way to buck stereotypes FOX. Keep up the good work!

Battlestar Galactica

SS: So what did you think of the mid-season finale of BSG?

AF: What do you mean?

SS: What did you think of where they were?

AF: Well, it looked like earth, actually it was a pretty lame Planet of the Apes rip–

SS: Oh you didn’t think that was the Cylon homeworld?

AF: What? No–

SS: Oh, well then Aaron Douglas thinks you’re an idiot. Yeah, apparently he’s under the impression that it was made very clear in those final several minutes that these were Cylon ruins and the characters talked about finding bones and–

AF: The frak? That never happened? What the hell–

SS: Yeah, apparently he doesn’t watch his own show. Maybe it was an early cut. At least Grace Park says we won’t have to wait until the finale to see the final Cylon. But her husband Tahmoh Penikett says they all die in the end so who knows what’s going to happen.

Boston Legal

AF: So what happened to the cast of Boston Legal? There’s nobody left on there.

SS: Well Julie Bowen is coming back, along with Rene Auberjonois in Episode 10.

AF: Oh wow, just in time for the series to end, huh?

SS: Well yeah, but better late than never, right?

AF: Those two didn’t do anything when they were on the show in the first place! How exiting.

Brothers & Sisters

AF: Will the Walkers all kiss and make up soon? Hell, that’s all the show is anymore.

SS: Actually, look for that friction to get worse. Remember how Kitty was the black sheep of the family when the show started? Just wait until her new book comes out trashing the family.

AF: Nice. Maybe someone will punch her in her weirdly smooth forehead. What about Ryan? Of course they’re gonna find him.

SS: Of course they will. And he might look a lot like Jason Ritter. Or not. At least Nora will have all that money to try and make herself feel better?

AF: Money? Where does she get money?

SS: A certain daughter who isn’t a daughter.


AF: So what are they going to do about Anna Belknap’s pregnancy?

SS: Work it into the show, obviously. It’s so much harder to hide a baby bump on this kind of show. Oh, and Danny gets to be the father.

AF: What? That’s stupid! After how they left things there. And what about Rikki? I thought she was coming back.

SS: Oh she is, but the hows and what-fors are changing.

AF: Lame! Chicks shouldn’t get pregnant and screw up storylines.

SS: Yeah, that’s gonna happen.

Desperate Housewives

AF: What’s the deal with Dave this season? He’s kind of awesome but kind of crazy, huh?

SS: Oh you ain’t seen nothing yet. This guy is so freaking crazy he’s going to drive Mrs. McCluskey into hiding for part of the year. This probably in response to her hooking up with her sistyer (Lily Tomlin) to find out why he seems so nice.


SS: Do you miss Adam?

AF: Well, I figure he can’t be gone forever. He’ll get out of that grave sooner or later. Pretty badass what they did to him.

SS: Well, try sooner. And at the hands of Hiro and Ando. But that’s not the only thing. How many Ali Larters do you think there are?

AF: Well, tons of personalities but I don’t know. You mean different bodies. Tracy might be–

SS: How about a fifth? Dr. Zimmerman reveals yet another woman out there who looks like her.

AF: Really? Take the character that pisses people off the most and clone the f*ck out of her?

SS: You’re complaining? You know they’ll all be running around in their underwear any chance they get.

AF: Well, I wouldn’t throw any of them out of bed if that’s what you mean.


AF: So are they going to have Thirteen die of Huntington’s?

SS: Nah, they don’t even want her to really get back with it. But they are going to use it as an excuse to have her possibly get a little closer to Foreman when she agrees to participate in a clinical trial overseen by him.

AF: Maybe then we can learn her name. Or maybe he’ll call her “Thirteen” in the bedroom.

SS: If she called him that, that’d be a helluva compliment!

AF: Hey, that’s just a stereotype, too! This isn’t 24.

The Office

SS: How do you think a little person sales rep would go over at Dunder-Mifflin.

AF: You mean like midgets? Under Michael Scott? Man, I hope they get Meredith Eaton-Gilden (Boston Legal) for that role. That chick would rip him apart!

SS: Oh, and Pam’s going to get a part-time job at corporate while she’s at school. This will help keep her tied to the show.

AF: Damn, too bad Ryan isn’t up there right now. He’d probably hit on her just to try and piss off Jim.

Pushing Daisies

SS: Two words: Bizarro Daisies!

AF: What, evil versions of Ned, Chuck, Emerson and —

SS: No, just those three. Maybe not evil but definitely Norwegian.

AF: That doesn’t even make sense!

SS: Exactly.


SS: So you know how this is the last season Zach Braff is doing Scrubs, right?

AF: Yeah, it’s ending, right?

SS: Well, not necessarily. ABC is considering going ER and rotating some of the cast out on it. And to help fans with that possibility, they’re premiering some webisodes featuring a new cast of interns before the season premiere of the show.

AF: I don’t know, Scrubs without Braff is stretching it. Will Janitor stick around at least? Is ABC that hard up for new programming?


AF: So when’s Chloe’s wedding?

SS: The more important question is what happens. The answer lies in thinking of The Blair Witch Project and Cloverfield. But then again, it’s a superhero wedding, what do you expect.

AF: Really? Two lame-ass stupid movies as the inspiration?

[Sourced from Ausiello, SpoilerTV, Kristin and around the interwebs.]

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7 Responses to “SpoilerSport: October 1, 2008”

October 1, 2008 at 3:31 PM

Hee hee.

That damned BSG dude doesn’t know his head from a hole in planet Earth, does he? Clear as mud, I tell ya.

Diggin Dave on DH – especially because he will breed more airtime for the incredibly gorgeous Nicolette Sheridan. Swoon.

October 1, 2008 at 5:52 PM

Well, when this episode first played I personally was never convinced 100% that it was Earth they were one (past, present or future)

My one piece of evidence: At the end of Season 3, we saw recognizable earth continents. At the end of 410 the planet was covered in clouds and was not recognizable.

Why have it be earth and not show that?

October 1, 2008 at 6:15 PM

I agree completely, akbar. If we were supposed to know it was Earth there’s no reason they wouldn’t have shown continent shapes from space.

October 1, 2008 at 4:26 PM

In regards to CSI: NY
Anna has already been pregnant while filming, and like with Angela on The Office, the show hid it by sticking her behind tables and doing lots of above-the-belly cropping. Maybe they should do that again, because a pregnancy/relationship between Lindsay and Danny now would seem really forced. Thoughts?

October 1, 2008 at 5:01 PM

Is there any way you can start putting these spoilers “after the break” in the RSS feed? The whole post shows up in my reader and I don’t want to accidentally read something that I don’t want to.

October 1, 2008 at 5:32 PM

Isn’t there a way to put titles only or anything? I have it on my google home page and it works out perfectly!

October 2, 2008 at 1:20 AM

RE: House –

Thirteen’s name is Dr. Remy Hadley. Cuddy has called her “Dr. Hadley” a couple of times although her first name has only appeared in text form.

Also, she’s probably got about 10 years before any noticeable symptoms of Huntington’s, so I’m glad they’re not going to mess with her that way…

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