CliqueClack TV

The Mentalist – Red Hair and Silver Tape



(Season 1, Episode 2)

This show is a combination of really cool scenes and really ridiculous ones. Cool: the rock, paper, scissors game with the sheriff. Ridiculous: the guy fainting after hearing that a handwriting expert is in the room. Come on, that would never happen. And that has me worried. I’m really good at suspending disbelief, but I would hate to see The Mentalist - a really entertaining mystery series – be filled with contrivances and easy answers by Jane.

In this episode, Jane tries to figure out who killed a young waitress and left her in a ditch.

I don’t want this show to go down the road of being one of those shows that has the hero figuring out a case just because of outrageous things happenings. Like tonight, Jane hypnotizes the victim’s friend to find out who the girl was seeing. Hypnotism? Really? Just seems like a plot shortcut, and too many of those and this show will go from “cool” to “tedious.”

But it’s a good show, and unlike the pilot it’s not easy to guess the killer(s) in tonight’s ep. I also like the scene where Jane talks to the victim’s younger brother (who wants to kill her boyfriend with an ax because he thinks he did it – yikes). Jane has to have an outlet to talk about Red John and the murder of his family, even if the storyline isn’t about that.

A few more observations about the king of observation:

– Hate the opening. This show cries out for a theme song. Instead we get a hint of music and a pic of Simon Baker that looks like some romantic cologne ad. They should use that image they’re using in the commercials for the show, the blurred footage of people running around in fast motion.

– I wonder what TV shows would be like now if there were no such things as cell phones?

– Wasn’t it risky for Jane and Teresa to be in the killer’s room?

– I like the fake-out with the sheriff near the end. And finding out who the real killers are … creepy, creepy, creepy. Though I worked in restaurants for years and they weren’t the worst kind of people I worked with. (But it’s funny, Jane didn’t really solve the case, did he?)

3 Responses to “The Mentalist – Red Hair and Silver Tape”

September 30, 2008 at 10:30 PM

yes, I think Jane did solve the case. He was arguing with Lisbon about how he thought it was the chef b/c he was in control, knew what he wanted and would simply take it. Jane had him pegged.

October 1, 2008 at 8:52 AM

The fake-out with the Sheriff was excellent. Totally got me :) This show has a nice twist, but I’m really scared it’s going to devolve into “just another procedural” quickly. It needs to introduce some multi-episode story arcs, I think, if it’s going to keep my interest.

Oh, and Robin Tunney’s voice is the sexiest on TV, I think :-P

October 5, 2008 at 9:22 PM

Hey, Thanks for reviewing the mentalist. However, would you mind listing it in the right hand navigation underneath ‘TV Shows’? I wouldn’t’ve known you guys were reviewing it if I hadn’t happened upon this post. Thanks!

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