CliqueClack TV

Heroes – One of Us, One of Them – Live-Blogging!



Hey, Heroes fans! Ready to dish the dirt on Heroes? After watching the first two episodes last week, I feel somewhat confused at the moment.

Hopefully, tonight’s ep will clear up a few things. Or, more likely, confuse me even more!

Check out the live-blog and read the transcript after the jump…

Transcript of Live-Blog:

9:02 Ok, so we’ve got Angela doing her Mommy Dearest thing again, saying she’d given Sylar up for adoption…

9:03 And Brigette, who can see the history of every object or person she touches…wait, what? She’s going to “feed” Sylar?

9:04 Ah…so the theme of this ep might be that there are heroes and villains inside all of us…lightbulb moment? Or mass confusion in my brain?

9:05 It’s a hostage situation…with a firethrower…yipes…

9:08 [Comment From Bob Sassone] So Mom gives a new victim to Syler so he can use her tracking power? That’s cold.

9:09 Jane Boursaw: What are the dynamics between those three, Bob? Angela – Sylar – Noah… Is Angela good or bad?

9:09 Bob Sassone: I think she tries to do the right thing, in an evil way, heh.

9:10 Jane Boursaw: And we’ve got the bad guys in the bank with Peter… Like, maybe he’s trying to re-order the future that’s coming…

9:12 Jane Boursaw: Claire’s biological mom…ah, that’s Meredith. I was reading the synopsis beforehand, and it said that Claire asks Meredith to teach her how to fight.

9:12 Jane Boursaw: “He’s been misunderstood. He just needs structure. And you’re the perfect person to give it to him.” Angela to Noah regarding Sylar

9:12 Bob Sassone: It’s going to be like Odd Couple going after the villains.

9:13 Jane Boursaw: No kidding!

9:13 Jane Boursaw: The speedy chick isn’t so speedy at the moment.

9:14 Jane Boursaw: And the Haitian returns. At least, I think that’s the Haitian.

9:15 Bob Sassone: Hmmm…dont think it’s him.

9:17 Jane Boursaw: Think Niki and Tracy are two different people? I’m still betting on the good/evil inside all of us theory.

9:18 Jane Boursaw: Jesse…isn’t that Peter?

9:18 Bob Sassone: Maybe this Tracy isn’t part of the personalities…maybe she’s a twin? That would be odd but I wouldn’t put it past this show, heh.

9:20 Jane Boursaw: Yeah, they’re certainly making it seem as though she’s a twin. It’s hard to know where this is headed. And hmmm…we’ve got another painter in Africa.

9:23 Jane Boursaw: Just a preliminary thought: This is harking back to the first season (just like the Heroes people wanted!), where all of the heroes are sort of doing their own thing, but will eventually come together at some point…maybe…

9:24 Bob Sassone: Yeah, I just hope that Matt doesn’t stay in Africa too long (shades of Hiro in Japan).

9:25 Jane Boursaw: Yeah, hear ya there.

And this: “Peter is in the body of one of those escapees,” says Angela, looking at the news report of the hostage situation.

9:27 Jane Boursaw: Hmmm, Matt’s future has changed, says the African guy. No wife and baby anymore. But… Ok, that guy is just creepy.

9:29 Jane Boursaw: If Peter can be in the body of the villain, Jesse, then maybe Tracy can be in the body of Niki. Because remember, she was thought to have died in that explosion in New Orleans, right?

9:30 Jane Boursaw: “We’re not partners!” Shades of “48 Hours” with Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy.

9:30 Bob Sassone: I’m confused: isn’t Syler the one who caused the villains to escape?

9:30 Jane Boursaw: I’m confused, too, but I think you’re right. But according to Angela, he’s just “misunderstood.”

9:32 Bob Sassone: Maybe things changed after she told him he’s her mother, but I could have sworn that Syler caused the villains to be released…though I can’t even remember as recently as the last episode, heh

9:35 Jane Boursaw: “That’s very touching. A monster cares about my well-being.” Noah to Sylar.

9:35 Bob Sassone: I like how Noah called the other villains a “buffet.”

9:36 Jane Boursaw: I know – I thought I was watching “True Blood” there for a moment.

I wonder if Sylar “changed,” when Angela left the room and that other woman went in and did…something…to him.

9:37 Bob Sassone: I think he just took her power (the ability to touch anything and see where’ they’ve been). Feeding him.

9:37 Jane Boursaw: Ah, got it.

9:37 Bob Sassone: Ha! Twin!

9:37 Jane Boursaw: You called that one!

9:38 Jane Boursaw: Haitian!

9:38 Jane Boursaw: “I’m being awesome. You’re supposed to be the usher. That was the plan.” Hiro to Ando

9:41Jane Boursaw: So there are two guys who look like Peter: Peter and Jesse…? Kind of a twin theme going…

9:42 Bob Sassone: Worst scene of the night: Emeril commercial.

9:42 Bob Sassone: No, that’s future Peter and present-day Peter.

9:42 Jane Boursaw: Followed by Sleeping Beauty. Because Heroes is such a family-oriented show.

9:43Jane Boursaw: Oh, right. future Peter and present-day Peter. Hmmm, wonder if I’d want future Jane to come back and warn me about things. Probably not. Too scary.

9:45 Jane Boursaw: What about you? You want future Bob sending you messages? :-)

9:47 Jane Boursaw: Ha – the partner thing between Noah and Sylar is working out pretty well.

9:48 Bob Sassone: I’d like to have future Bob come and warn me about a couple of women I’ve dated.

9:50 Bob Sassone: OK, so maybe the partnership will be shortlived.

9:51 Jane Boursaw: It’s looking that way. That “hunger” causes all sorts of problems, don’t ya know.

9:52 [Comment From Bob Degon] Hello!

9:52 [Comment From Bob Degon] Hello all.

9:52 [Comment From Bob Degon] I wish my mom could shoot fire out of her hands.

9:52 [Comment From Bob Degon] So let me get this straight… Sylar hungers for brains… but he doesn’t eat them?

9:52 Jane Boursaw: Hey, Bob D.! Sylar definitely has a thing for brains.

9:53 Bob Sassone: He just takes something from the brain, the power-giving part

9:53 Bob Degon: It might be less creepy if he actually DID eat them

9:54 Jane Boursaw: I agree. And you’d think he could get what he needed without all the bloody mess.

9:55 Bob Degon: Is anyone else finding this stolen power = rape storyline a little… misplaced? Feels forced and a little odd.

9:56 Jane Boursaw: Yeah, and Claire trying to work out the issues with it…I think it will force her to do things she wouldn’t otherwise do, though.

Oh geez, Matt’s going on a spirit walk.

9:57 Bob Degon: haha… Last year it was Peter in Ireland. This year we get Matt in Africa. Hopefully he’ll find some sunscreen.

9:58 Bob Sassone: Is Matt going to paint now too?

9:58 Bob Degon: Poor Micah.

9:58 Jane Boursaw: Yeah, and commune with turtles, apparently.

Hmmm, Dr. Zimmerman says he created Tracy.

9:58 Bob Degon: Clones?

9:58 Bob Degon: You’d think if they were clones they would have the same power…

9:59 Jane Boursaw: Unless they were experimenting with the DNA or something.

10:00 Bob Sassone: I’m really enjoying this season so far…great to see Quinto in lighter moments

10:00 Bob Degon: Could be… This season is moving fast, though. We’ll probably have an answer soon.

10:01 Bob Degon: I liked this episode a lot more than the two last week. Things settled down a little. There was almost too much going on last week,

10:02 Jane Boursaw: I agree. It’s getting better and more interesting with this episode. It’s a fine line between too much chaos and enough to keep me interested and putting the pieces together.

10:02 Bob Sassone: There are many new characters, but for some reason it doesn’t seem as frantic and confusing as last season.

10:02 Jane Boursaw: Or, like you said, even last week.

10:02 Bob Sassone: Hey, did we ever find out what happened to the Irish girl Peter fell in love with? she was trapped in the future last season

10:05 Jane Boursaw: Hmmm, good question!

10:08 Jane Boursaw: Well, thanks for stopping by, guys! Hope to see you next week!

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One Response to “Heroes – One of Us, One of Them – Live-Blogging!”

October 2, 2008 at 11:45 AM

Hey guys,

Sylar didn’t exactly let everyone out of Area 5. Technically speaking that was Elle. When Sylar tried to cut her scalp off she freaked out and sent crazy electricity bolts everywhere and fried all the circuits keeping the doors closed.

Also Sylar doesn’t eat brains or take anything out of them. He studies them. Sylar’s power is being able to look at an object and see what is broken/different inside it. He takes off their scalp, studies their brain, sees what is different about them and then replicates the difference in his own brain…manifesting in his ability to use their power. Technically he doesn’t hurt their brains. Everyone else dies from having their scalp cut off…but like we saw with Claire, if they could survive that blood loss then they’d survive what Sylar does to them. That’s my theory anyway.

As far as Ali Larter, supposedly there are 5 of her total. Niki, Jessica, Tracy, Barbara and maybe Gina. All born on the same day, same hospital, same Dr Zimmerman. Probably an experiment to see if they can create people with powers and give them each a different power.

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