CliqueClack » Search Results » madmen Big voices. Little censors. Thu, 02 Apr 2015 13:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CliqueClack giveaway: Mad Men prize pack! Mon, 01 Apr 2013 12:30:04 +0000 Mad MenTo celebrate the return of AMC's 'Mad Men' for its final season, we're holding a giveaway for one lucky, random commenter! No joke!]]> Mad Men
To celebrate the return of AMC’s ‘Mad Men’ for its final season, we’re holding a giveaway for one lucky, random commenter! No joke!

In celebration of Mad Men‘s April 7th return, CliqueClack’s giving away a mega prize pack, sponsored by Gold Label’s Mad Men online store, including:

In the comments, tell us why you’re excited for Mad Men‘s return. Entries to this giveaway must be made by Wednesday, April 3 11:59 PM ET. We’ll pick one comment completely at random and Gold Label will ship the prize pack, which should hopefully arrive in time for the premiere (make sure your spam filter allows addressed email!) Only one entry per person and you must have a valid U.S.-based mailing address. You must be 18 or over to enter. Not following these guidelines voids your entry. Good luck!

For those who don’t win, check out Gold Label’s Mad Men online store, powered by Cafepress. It features around 300 products including mugs, iPhone casesjournals, mousepads, Mad Men business card cases, and t-shirts with ’60s-esque prints of the characters and their coolest sayings.

The reason I’m excited for Mad Men‘s return is partially because of my recent 1960s obsession. Ever since last year, I can’t stop attempting to recreate Holly Golightly’s wardrobe, buying cat-eyed glasses, carrying aqua Tiffany blue purses, and listening to 1960s inspired pop tunes like “Zou Bisou Bisou” and “Baubles, Bangles and Beads.” When Banana Republic jumped into the 1960s because of  a Mad Men tie-in, I, of course, followed. Maybe I wasn’t a Mad Men fan previously, but this is it’s final season. I’m interested in seeing how they’ll see out a show that revisited the fashion that I love to wear.

I like some of the items on the on-line store that evoke the quirky 1960s feeling (and fit within my middle-class price range) including the $20 Mad Men Sterling Cooper flask, the $15 stainless steel Betty Draper compact, the $20 Sterling Cooper business card case for around $20, and the $13 pink lipstick-touched Peggy journal. Because of  the ’60s kitch-esque cartoons, I liked the Pete mug (“If I’m going to die, I want to die in Manhattan”), the Don Draper shot glass (“Fear stimulates my imagination”) and the $12-15 Salvatore mug‘s (because it speaks to the alcoholic in all of us).

Mad Men returns for its final, sixth season on Sunday, April 7 with a two hour premiere. Don’t forget to dress in your favorite 1960s outfit and raise your favorite cocktail in toast. I know I will.


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Photo Credit: Gold Label
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