


Moonrise Kingdom, Madagascar 3, Avatar 3D come home this week


New movies on video October 16 include ‘Moonrise Kingdom,’ ‘Madagascar 3,’ ‘Avatar 3D,’ ‘That’s My Boy,’ ‘Chernobyl Diaries,’ ‘A League of Their Own,’ ‘Pete’s Dragon,’ ‘The Funhouse,’ ‘Terror Train,’ ‘The Sterile Cuckoo’ and more!


Wes Anderson’s critically acclaimed Moonrise Kingdom comes to DVD and Blu-ray on October 16, along with the newest Madagascar film and the first general retail release of James Cameron’s Avatar in 3D (it’s previously been a premium item available only with the purchase of certain 3D TVs). The found-footage horror flick Chernobyl Diaries and Adam Sandler’s That’s My Boy also get DVD and Blu-ray releases, along with anniversary editions of A League of Their Own and Pete’s Dragon. And Shout! Factory’s new horror label rescues 80s classics Terror Train and The Funhouse from obscurity. More direct-to-video and classic films are also heading your way, so have a look at our guide to see what else is new. Click on a link to get more information or to make a purchase, and show your support for CliqueClack at the same time!

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Photo Credit: Focus Features



Alex Cross screening passes giveaway – Baltimore


Tyler Perry gives up Madea’s dresses for Alex Cross’ badge in the new thriller ‘Alex Cross.’ And we have free passes to an advance screening. Find out how to get yours!


Please note: All passes allotted to CliqueClack by the studio and its representative have been claimed. This giveaway is now closed. Please check back again for future screening opportunities.

Morgan Freeman has played him in Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider, and now Tyler Perry is taking a shot at stepping out of Madea’s heels and into the shoes of James Patterson’s Alex Cross. And CliqueClack, in partnership with Summit Entertainment and Allied Integrated Marketing, is offering our readers in Maryland a chance to see the new thriller before anyone else! Send an email to alexcross@cliqueclack.com with ALEX CROSS as the subject to get a GoFoBo code which will allow you to print out two admit one passes to the advance screening which takes place on Tuesday, October 16, 7:00 PM at the AMC White Marsh theaters.

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Photo Credit: Summit Entertainment



Grizz Chapman talks 30 Rock’s final season

30 Rock - Season 7

While preparing to hold the fort at booth 658 at New York Comic Con, Grizz Chapman talked about the final season of ’30 Rock,’ his character’s relationship with Liz and the craziest thing a fan did upon meeting him.


I always get excited when I talk to people whose work I respect. I typically feel even more excited when I walk away liking the person after briefly talking to them. Grizz Chapman is one of those people. I’ve enjoyed Grizz Chapman’s portrayal of Tracey Jordan’s second entourage member since day one. Even though he barely spoke, he was never voiceless. In fact, I’d call his hilarious silences more vocal than anything else. I always look forward to his character’s appearance, because I know it will always feature something significant and hilarious. As this is 30 Rock‘s last season, I’m looking forward to what will happen to Grizz’s character.

I caught up with Grizz Chapman before his Saturday booth 658 extravaganza at New York Comic Con. Surprisingly, his favorite part of New York Comic Con surrounds the open acceptance of everyone letting their freak flag fly. If you want to dress like Spider-Man and playfully interact with others, you can do most of that at Comic Con  without any blowback. I think it’s interesting that, like Billy Dee Williams, his most memorable fan is the one who cried upon meeting him. While he calls it the craziest, it was more because it shocked him that he could affect someone that much. This is the thing. I have an ego the size of Montana. If someone cried upon meeting me out of awe, I’d pat myself on the back and say, “Job well done.” But, despite 30 Rock and the opportunities it afforded him, Grizz Chapman’s ego remains in check. He felt more humbled than magnanimous. Clearly, there’s a reason I’m a blogger and he’s a professional actor.

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Photo Credit: Dina White PR, NBC



Mad Men, Psych, and Touch lead this week’s TV on DVD releases

"Mad Men" Season Five on DVD and Blu-ray

New on home video October 16: ‘Mad Men,’ ‘Psych,’ ‘Touch,’ ‘Awkward,’ ‘The Firm,’ ‘Alcatraz,’ ‘Waterloo Road,’ ‘Love and Hip Hop Atlanta,’ ‘Looney Tunes,’ Scooby-Doo, Tom & Jerry, ‘Gunsmoke,’ ‘Mr. Lucky,’ ‘Columbo,’ and Hallmark Channel Christmas movies!


Cable favorites and failed shows from last season feature prominently in this week’s home video releases. Mad Men and Psyche are in the forefront of the big releases, with other cable shows like Awkward and Love and Hip Hop Atlanta also vying for some sales love. Fox’s new series Touch gets a season one release, while season two lingers in limbo, and the one-season wonders Alcatraz and The Firm are available now for those who missed their network runs. In addition to animation and classic TV, we’ve got a list of … Christmas movies from the Hallmark Channel also coming to DVD! Yep, it’s not even Halloween yet and we’re getting Christmas movies. Tis the season! Have a look at our guide to see what else is coming this week, and click on the appropriate link to make a purchase or get more information about the title.

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Photo Credit: AMC



Homeland’s unanswered and important questions from season one


Two episodes into season two of Showtime’s ‘Homeland’, and I’m convinced it’s as good as ever. To add to the thrill: there are at least two unanswered and important questions from season one not touched upon yet.


I know there were some people (*cough*Ivey*cough*) who were somewhat disappointed with last season of Showtime’s Homeland. In particular, there were those who felt Brody should have gone through with the task of blowing himself up to bits in the name of all he now believes in. Though that didn’t happen, there’s no doubt the scene where he came VERY close to literally pulling the trigger was one of the most tense scenes to watch on television in recent memory. I’m sure that scene lent some hand in Damian Lewis’s recent Emmy win, in fact. Despite any of that disappointment in what Brody did (or, rather, didn’t) do, the jumping off point to the series’ second season so far has not left much to be wanted. In fact, it’s been pretty damned stellar.

Because the season’s started off on such a high point, I realized recently that there are a few unanswered things from the show’s first season that haven’t been touched upon or even hinted at yet.

Because the season’s started off on such a high point, I realized recently that there are a few unanswered things from the show’s first season that haven’t been touched upon or even hinted at yet. Does that merely mean we’re in for a shocking surprise later in the season — or series — or do the writers find these things unimportant enough to keep them danglimg forever?

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Photo Credit: Showtime



CliqueClack Hungry Trolls Podcast – Episode 7

hungry trolls

Today’s episode is an in-depth discussion on the nature of privacy in the 21st century, using Hulk Hogan’s penis as a jumping off point. (Not literally).


Friend, contributor and comedian Jay Black has brought his Hungry Trolls podcast here to CliqueClack. Jay joins friend and comedian Vinnie Nardiello in what he tells me will be a twice-a-week deal!

Make sure you tune in and make your friends tune in as well, and comment and rate us on our iTunes pageWe’re also on Stitcher!

Please keep the comments coming and let us know what you think. Got suggestions? Questions? We’d love to hear ‘em! Make sure you get everyone you know to subscribe to the podcast in iTunes (and rate us, please!) or via some other feed — we feed Jay’s ego a careful diet of traffic numbers and subscriber count, so let’s not let that sucker die of starvation. You can also check-in via GetGlue!

Thanks for listening! And please visit our new sponsor, Audible.com!

Photo Credit: Hungry Trolls



Some pondering on The Walking Dead season 3

It seems like forever, but all of a sudden season three of ‘The Walking Dead’ is within our purview. Going into the new chapter, I have a few thoughts.


Are you ready? Because it’s coming quick: A 16-episode season three of The Walking Dead.

Of course, for those who need to catch up — or want to fill in an episode or two or 20 — beginning Saturday there will be an AMC marathon of the show so you can reacquaint yourself with what’s gone on over the last two seasons.

Me? Oh … I’m more than ready. I have been for quite some time. I’ve been busy jawing with showrunner Glen Mazzara and creator Robert Kirkman about the show. July’s Comic-Con gave us news and tidbits and a spiffy preview (featured in this post) of some of the things to come. During the last few months I’ve turned a few friends and associates on to the show. (One buddy of mine pooh-pooh’d TWD when he originally heard about it. I convinced him otherwise with a marathon session. It goes without saying he’s not only a believer, but he’s hooked and champing at the bit for Sunday’s premiere.)

Continue reading 'Some pondering on The Walking Dead season 3' »

Photo Credit: AMC



Argo brings the Canadian Caper to life

Argo Ben Affleck Tony Mendez

‘Argo’ tells the now-declassified story of the rescue of six Americans during the Iran hostage crisis, showing that heroism can come from all quarters.


Argo is a story about heroes. Based on the true story of six Americans rescued from Iran in 1980 during the hostage crisis, the story follows CIA operations officer Tony Mendez as he takes on the near-impossible task of the rescue. Ben Affleck brings Mendez – and the film in general in his role as director – to the screen as a different type of spy; he’s not James Bond – or Jack Ryan even. But Argo works so incredibly well because it is measured and fraught with a different kind of tension than usually seen in spy flicks.

Argo works so incredibly well, because it is measured and fraught with a different kind of tension than usually seen in spy flicks.

Mendez’ operation to get the six out – often referred to as the Canadian Caper – was “the best bad idea” the CIA had for their rescue. They had escaped the embassy just before it was completely overrun and were hiding out in the house of Canadian Ambassador Ken Taylor (Victor Garber). Mendez created an elaborate fake Hollywood film production, with the help of previous collaborator and make-up expert John Chambers (John Goodman) and producer Lester Siegel (Alan Arkin). He then traveled to Iran and attempted to walk the six out through airport security that would make the TSA look like elementary school crossing guards with a paper-thin cover as the Canadian film crew. Like I said … the “best bad idea” they had.

Continue reading 'Argo brings the Canadian Caper to life' »

Photo Credit: Keith Bernstein/Warner Bros. Entertainment



In Supernatural season 8, it’s Dean who’s alone

supernatural what's up tiger mommy

Over the past 7 seasons of ‘Supernatural,’ we’ve come to know Sam as the brother who’s always left alone. The tables seem to have turned in season 8 as Dean is the one who’s been abandoned by everyone.


There’s always been a loner aspect to Supernatural‘s Dean Winchester, through his martyrdom and warrior attitude, through his “I am meant to hunt and whether I like it or not it’s my duty.” Self-afflicted solitude, in that no one could ever understand what Dean’s life was like or what he was going through. He led the battles and bore the burden, no matter what it took … but he didn’t do it alone. Being a self-induced loner and being alone are two very different things.

When aloneness was focused on as a theme in Supernatural, it’s historically been Sam that was the one left alone. His mother left him in his crib, Jessica left him through the same tragic means, Dean went to Hell and left Sam to fend for himself, Sam was alone in the Hell cage with Lucifer while Dean lived a loving life with Lisa and Ben. Heck, Sam was even left alone from his very self, when his soul was taken away from him.

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Photo Credit: The CW



Should The Vampire Diaries’ Elena have been turned into a vampire?

Growing Pains

It’s a done deal — Elena has fed and she’s an official vampire. While this event has the potential to stir things up, it could also be the end of the reason the Salvatores love her. Could things backfire?


I’m really on the fence with Elena being a vampire. While it was time to shake up the love triangle dynamics a bit, I’m not sure this was the way to do it. Stefan and Damon subsisted on saving her, Stefan by respecting her choices and giving her freedom and Damon selfishly saving her from herself, sure that his way was the right way. Will these dynamics benefit from the Salvatore brothers no longer having to save their mortal love? I’m not sure they will.

Will these dynamics benefit from the Salvatore brothers no longer having to save their mortal love? I’m not sure they will.

One thing The Vampire Diaries definitely does is keep the story moving along at a very swift pace. While this works well for the OMG moments, I’m beginning to grow tired of it. Because the pacing is so fast, they miss a lot of ripe opportunities to explore character and storyline more in depth. Nothing goes deep and I’m craving that.

Continue reading 'Should The Vampire Diaries’ Elena have been turned into a vampire?' »

Photo Credit: CW