


Person of Interest returns to season one plots

Person of Interest

Is season two returning to season one plot points? While characters are progressing, is addressing HR and untrustworthy Fusco a step forward or three steps back?


In this week’s episode, “C.O.D.”, Person of Interest partially returns to season one issues while maintaining season two developments. I’m concerned about the lack of progression concerning season two plot points. In all honesty, I enjoyed this episode, but I felt that returning to HR, Elias and squirrelly Fusco placed the episode two steps back. However, despite the season one plot point regression, it maintained season two character relationship progression.

Seeing Reese’s sunny afternoon care for his friend and relaxation around Carter made me happy.

First, although Fusco devolved to his secretive HR ways, we see a development in his relationship with Reese. I don’t understand Fusco’s worry. Didn’t he commit some of those crimes on Reese’s behalf? If he didn’t, didn’t he commit them before he became the good guy we know today? So, why wouldn’t he hit up Reese for help? Although Reese acted like a total season one jerk when he returned Fusco’s call, I’ll admit that a couple of season two changes remained. First off, in season one, I doubt Reese would’ve taken Fusco’s call while in the middle of a fight (if at all). Next, I doubt he would’ve returned the call in a timely manner. While I don’t understand Reese’s coldness when returning the call (or Fusco’s sudden reluctance when receiving it), it’s pretty clear Reese cares about Fusco. Although season one Reese would’ve told Carter to spy on Fusco, season two Reese asks Carter to take care of him. While we didn’t need the return of a group I thought they destroyed, seeing Reese’s sunny afternoon care for his friend and relaxation around Carter made me happy.

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Photo Credit: CBS



Gerard Butler isn’t Playing for Keeps with his latest

Gerard Butler in "Playing for Keeps"

Gerard Butler produced his latest movie ‘Playing for Keeps.’ I wonder how much money it’ll ultimately end up costing him.


I recently finished picking up and making a huge move across the country. As a result, I haven’t had a television in the longest time. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed it. Not only watching shows and reviewing them, but also just letting my favorites numb out my brain for a little while.

A girl gets awfully tired of thinking deep thoughts sometimes.

Such was the case last night, when I found myself utterly at a loss. Call a friend? Nah. Laundry? Boring. Put together the new bookshelf from Ikea? Yawn.

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Photo Credit: FilmDistrict



Sitcom Superlatives – Best friends, bad romance, and holiday cheer


This week in Sitcom Superlatives we reward the good (‘Go On,’ ‘Suburgatory,’ ‘Ben and Kate’) rebuke the bad (no one asked you, Patrice!) and discuss everything in between.


New Favorite Friendship: Ryan and Anne, Go On
If at this time this year you had told me that there would be a middle-aged lesbian on my television, let alone on a show with as much diversity as Go On, and that she’d be handled well, I’d have asked what crazy optimism drugs you were on and where I could get me some. But Go On has really steadily delighted me this year, way more than I thought it would. Not only does Ryan feel very different from Chandler (something I needed from Matthew Perry but wasn’t sure I’d ever get), but his friendship with Anne is exactly what this show needs. Because healing through therapy two sides, really. (And oh, as someone who’s been in therapy over 75% of my life, I could write odes to how well psychological conflict is handled in this show.) There’s the blind, almost childlike belief needed to make a leap of faith that the rest of the group represents, but there’s also always that cynicism and grounded practicality that most of us have trouble letting go of. And watching Ryan and Anne not just fall headfirst into accepting every bit of feel-good advice Lauren dispenses is what makes this show work so well and keeps grounded instead of veering to the saccharine.

Continue reading 'Sitcom Superlatives — Best friends, bad romance, and holiday cheer' »

Photo Credit: NBC



Diggle hits the bullseye on Arrow


The CW’s ‘Arrow’ is their highest rated show this season, and one of its characters is really becoming a fan favorite! In this week’s Clacking in Color, the super column celebrating ethnic diversity in Hollywood, writer Jaylen Christie reveals why he appreciates Arrow’s right hand man — John Diggle!


So, I think it is common knowledge that I’m a nerd. In fact, I think I mention it at least once in every other Clacking in Color post. With that being said, I’m sure it’s no surprise that I’m head over Timberland boots for Arrow on The CW. It’s such a great superhero show, a true valentine for comic book lovers. However, it isn’t the program’s title character that I’m intrigued by. No, on the contrary, I’m a little more captivated by his sidekick — the elusive John Diggle.

I’m a little more captivated by his sidekick — the elusive John Diggle.
Wait … wait a second. Let’s pause. Diggle’s not really a sidekick. He’s more like a mentor/confidante/assistant. That’s the trifecta right there, isn’t it? I can dig that. You know, I think this week’s column is for all of the nerds out there. This one is for the folks that watch this show religiously. Attention all Arrow watchers! Let’s chat. I think we can agree that the show boasts some pretty good writing, and the twists and turns are always nice. However, Diggle helps to keep things fresh. It’s funny because I didn’t really know what to make of the character at first. After watching the pilot, I thought he’d be nothing more than the show’s token African-American character. I didn’t think he’d have any longevity. It’s awesome to know that I was wrong on both counts.

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Photo Credit: The CW



From WTF to TESD: My top comedy podcasts


The podcast medium is tailored for comedians. I listen to a variety of comedy podcasts, but this is a list of my favorites.


I’m always baffled by the number of people who don’t listen to podcasts. With the ubiquity of iPods and smartphones, it’s never been easier to just download free entertainment and have it constantly with you. History, music, sports — there are thousands of podcasts about subjects I don’t give a shit about. Me? I pretty  much stick with the comedy.

My iTunes is filled with podcasts but there are only a handful that make it onto my iPhone in weekly rotation. This list isn’t a ranking; I love all of my comedy children. Some are roundtable discussions, some are interview-based, and one is even a quasi-gameshow. The one thing they have in common though is that they consistently entertain me, in some cases for years.

Now, in no particular order, here are my top comedy podcasts:

Smodcast (Kevin Smith, Scott Mosier)

Ricky Gervais’s comedy podcast was my first foray into podcasts, but Smodcast was the first one that I subscribed to on iTunes. I came in a few months into its run and quickly caught up from the beginning. It’s evolved a lot over its nearly six years: Early episodes feature Smith spinning elaborate yarns with Mosier mainly just listening and providing occasional feedback. Mosier quickly came into his own, however, and now serves as a robust co-host, bringing his own stories and jokes to the table. If you’re just jumping into Smodcast, or introducing it to a friend, it’s better to start with an early one (the Hellen Keller episode is a classic), to get your comedy bearings. If you start with a more recent episode, you may just walk away confused as to why you spent thirty minutes listening to Kevin Smith describe the plot of whatever movie he had just watched before taping. If you’re a fan of Smith’s movies, you’ll also get a bunch of behind-the-scenes info on his process, choices, and what actors he likes and who he’ll probably never work with again.

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Photo Credit:,



Blood and Chrome did a poor job setting up a TV series

blood and chrome william adama

‘Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome’ was originally intended to launch a series. After seeing the final product, I understand why SyFy wasn’t interested.


Ever since Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome was officially announced back in October of 2010, I’ve been awaiting its premiere with a great deal of anticipation. I was a big fan of Ron Moore’s remake; it actually had a great deal to do with my involvement with CliqueClack in the first place. But like many other BSG fans out there, I was very disappointed when SyFy announced that B&C wouldn’t be taken to series. After watching the movie/show/webisode that wrapped up this past week, I’m not really surprised that we won’t be seeing more of young Bill Adama’s exploits.

I’m not really surprised that we won’t be seeing more of young Bill Adama’s exploits.

Don’t get me wrong, I actually enjoyed Blood and Chrome a great deal. I thought that the story made for a great reintroduction to the BSG mythos. I’ve always thought it pretty difficult to tell an interesting prequel-esque story, and B&C ‘s setting between BSG and Caprica would make that an even more difficult task. Plus, Luke Pasqualino did a serviceable job as Adama, especially considering the rather massive boots he was trying to fill. But creating a good movie set in the BSG universe is one thing; creating one that sets up a series is an entirely different thing. Continue reading 'Blood and Chrome did a poor job setting up a TV series' »

Photo Credit: Machinima Prime



Shazam! on DVD has kitschy, nostalgic charm


For baby boomers and nostalgia buffs, the new DVD release of ‘Shazam!’ will bring back memories of Saturday mornings long ago.


When I was a kid, Saturday morning TV was what I lived for at the end of a long school week. I had a steady diet of Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, The Wacky Races, The Groovie Goolies and more. Cartoons were fun and there was very little live action programming, but Sid and Marty Krofft brought live action to Saturday morning with Sigmund and the Sea Monsters, Lidsville, Land of the Lost and more. These shows were still brightly colored confections meant only to entertain … and sell sugary cereal and toys to impressionable minds during commercial breaks. Then the watchdog groups started making noise about the ads and the lack of educational value on Saturday morning. What kid wants to be forced to learn even more when all they want is a break from school? Thanks to these groups — and the costs involved in producing animation — Saturday mornings began to morph into mostly live action shows that also taught kids a lesson. Yawn.

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Photo Credit: Filmation



CliqueClack wants to send you on a Guilt Trip … for free

CliqueClack has free passes to the advance Baltimore screening of Paramount Pictures’ ‘The Guilt Trip.’ Find out how to get yours!


**This offer has expired. Please check back for future giveaways.

CliqueClack, in association with Paramount Pictures and Allied Integrated Marketing, wants to send our Baltimore area readers to a free advance screening of the new movie The Guilt Trip starring Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand. The film stars Rogen as Andy Brewster, a man who is about to embark on a cross country road trip. Before taking off, he drops by to see his mother who guilts him into taking her along. The aggravation turns to appreciation as Andy learns that he and his mother aren’t as different as he thinks.

The screening will take place on Monday, December 17 at the AMC Loews White Marsh theaters. Showtime is at 7:00 PM. Passes will be distributed through All you have to do to claim yours is leave a comment on this post and we will email you a special code to access the pass (you may print out up to two Admit One passes per account). You will need to register with GoFoBo if you don’t already have an account. Passes are limited and could run out at any time. Advance screenings are overbooked to ensure a full house, so passes do not guarantee you a seat. Please plan to arrive early. CliqueClack has no control over the number of passes available or seating at the theater. So don’t waste any time! Leave your comment now!

Photo Credit: Paramount Pictures



Girls, survivors and mankind go from TV to DVD this week


New TV on DVD and Blu-ray releases for December 11 include ‘Girls,’ ‘Futurama,’ ‘WWE Raw,’ ‘Is This a Zombie,’ ‘Survivor: Cook Islands,’ ‘Survivor: Fiji,’ ‘Hazel,’ ‘Law & Order: Criminal Intent,’ ‘Lego Ninjago,’ the complete ‘In Search of …’ and more!


HBO’s critically acclaimed hit series Girls comes to DVD and Blu-ray this week in anticipation of the second season’s January 13th debut. Two seasons of Survivor also make their home video debuts this week, along with a new volume of Futurama, the story of Mankind, and a complete series collection of In Search of … hosted by Leonard Nimoy. The slim December 11th release also includes a new WWE release, and some classics and kids’ shows. Have a look at our guide below for the full rundown of the new TV on DVD and Blu-ray releases, and click on a link to get more information or to make a purchase.

Continue reading 'Girls, survivors and mankind go from TV to DVD this week' »

Photo Credit: HBO



Talking teddy bears, super spies and prehistoric critters come to home video

"Ted" on DVD and Blu-ray

New movies on home video December 11th include ‘Ted,’ ‘The Bourne Legacy,’ ‘Ice Age: Continental Drift,’ ‘The Men Next Door,’ ‘Gayby,’ ‘Mansome,’ ‘Dick Tracy,’ ‘Babes in Toyland,’ ‘Les Miserables,’ ‘Baron Blood,’ ‘The Island,’ ‘Death Valley,’ and Christopher Nolan’s ‘Following.’


With Christmas approaching, we’ve got some big summer hits coming to home video including Ted, The Bourne Legacy, and Ice Age: Continental Drift. Along with those hits, there are some well-reviewed alternative titles, the long-awaited Blu-ray release of Warren Beatty’s Dick Tracy, Christopher Nolan’s Following, and another collection of Django films to tie in with the Christmas Day release of Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained. These titles and more will be available on December 11, so get your orders in now! Have a look at our handy guide to see what’s coming, and simply click on a link to make a purchase at

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Photo Credit: Universal Pictures