Castle and Beckett in a relationship? Yeah, it works.

Castle and Beckett seem to be navigating the Moonlighting Effect so far, but will it last? Considering how well they get along, I’m guessing they will be just fine.
I know we’re only four episodes in to the Grand Castle/Beckett experiment but so far, it’s been working pretty damn well. Despite the positive attitude I’ve had about the impending connection for the past season or so, I had my doubts. No, not doubts … concerns? I mean, The Moonlighting Effect is a real thing – just look at what has happened on Bones this season. But on Castle things have gone much better. But why?
Simply, the fact that Rick Castle and Kate Beckett are making the naughty has not changed the way that the two characters interact, and I don’t think it is going to. Rick is still Rick, Beckett is still Beckett. The characters have not experienced some crazy fundamental shift just because they’ve gotten … a little friendlier.
It’s even the case as the couple experiences new things. Take, for instance, Beckett’s reaction as she toured Castle’s house in the Hamptons. The specter of previous relationships always weighs heavy on new couples; when you’re a rich playboy like Castle, that history is even bigger. But Beckett faced her doubt head on, and Castle responded with the sentimentality that we know he’s capable of – thanks to seeing his relationship with Martha and Alexis.
Later, Castle is pre-occupied with unraveling the mystery of the dead guy on his pool, while Beckett would like to occupy his time with … other things; another classic Castle/Beckett – or Caskett, in the episode’s brilliant shout-out to the show’s fans – setup. Often times, Castle’s obsessions are of the surreal: a CIA plot, ninjas or even aliens a time or two. But one thing that he shares with Beckett – a trait all of these mismatched TV detective teams share actually – is an innate drive to see justice done. He was able to play on that to get Beckett on board.
These all pale, though, in comparison to how the two characters are with each other. Castle is the sarcastic, witty, never-misses-a-bad-pun jokester. Beckett, though, has never been his straight man. While doing so in a reserved way, she’s always been a bit of enabler to his sophomoric ways. And Castle still has obvious respect for her and her wishes. Her reasons for wanting to keep their relationship a secret are reasonable: she wants to keep her job – and keeping Castle on the job is a nice perk.
It’s working so far; but how long will they be able to keep things up? The circle that is their secret continues to grow. First Castle’s family, and now Detective Ryan. As Ryan knows, it won’t be long until Esposito knows. But we know that family can keep a secret; they’ve protected the Captain Montgomery’s legacy for some time now. But if the Castle/Beckett relationship comes to an end, I very much doubt it will be because of Captain Gates and ethics violations. Their relationship is strong enough to survive external forces. If their relationship breaks down, I think it will be from the inside out. And considering how well their dynamic has sustained thus far, I think they’re in pretty good shape either way.
Rick and Kate are a pair worth rooting for, and, Castle as a TV Show is one of the best written with a cast that hits their marks ever time. Although, Ryan not sharing with his partner seemed odd. Esposito will find out sooner or later. After what Esposito felt was betrayal at the end of last season why would Ryan jeopardize their partnership again? As a fan of witty banter, I say, HOLA!, to Caskett as the successors to Nick and Nora Charles.