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Side Dishes


Fresh broccoli salad – Recipe test drive

Alton Brown. You gotta love Alton. He’s no chef, but he is a scientist and movie maker who techniques the hell out of any recipe he creates. He couldn’t just tell you to whisk together all of the ingredients in his fresh broccoli salad recipe. No, that would be blasphemy. Instead, he specifies that you […]

More potato salads for the mayophobic

Somebody help me… I can’t stop making potato salad. I’ve become a monster, out of control. Ever since I did my first post about gourmet potato salads for the mayophobic (yes, you, mayonnaise haters, at attention now!), I have offered to bring a potato salad to every function we’ve been invited to. I spend my […]

Crunchy mango salsa is simple and versatile

What are you waiting for? You’ve got to stock your pantry, fridge and freezer with crazy things like frozen mango, fresh herbs, lemon juice and sugar snap peas. Keep up! I know we seem to have weird things in our kitchen, but if you keep versatile foods like these on hand, you can whip up […]

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