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Side Dishes


Quinoa and edamame salad with grilled shrimp

There’s something so much fun about getting my edamame harvest every year from our CSA farm. Maybe it’s because I don’t eat unfermented soy normally, so it feels like cheating, or going off the diet or simply indulging. Or it could be simply that it’s fun to cook something I never cook, and the hulling […]

Mac and cheese is NOT a vegetable – Food Rant

To the owners of restaurants, diners, cafes, bistros, and grease trucks…Hi! Let’s talk about menu items, shall we? Over the past weekend I partook in one of your eating establishments. I won’t mention the name in order for you to avoid undo embarrassment. Let’s just say that it was a diner in a state on the […]

Potato salad with August’s harvest – Fresh Foodie

Join Debbie as she raves about whole foods, rants about chemicals and generally celebrates cooking and eating with fresh, local, nutritious foods. And sometimes she might get a little feisty…. Really, what could be fresher than a potato salad made up almost entirely of ingredients from this week’s CSA farm harvest? Yes, it’s true: with […]

Chard with onion and tamari – Do More with Less

Gourmet cooking doesn’t have to entail hours of cooking with a list of ingredients longer than your normal grocery list. Create meals bursting with complex flavors that will please every food snob in your life, easily. All my years of getting multitudes of chard from the CSA farm, I’ve experimented with at least 70,000 ways […]

Salads, pasta, cookies, oh my! – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. Last week, we were definitely catering to my sweet tooth with the dessert recipes, but this week, I’ve got a more well-rounded selection of recipes for you to drool over with me. In fact, […]

Quinoa with chick peas, chard and currants

Now, if this recipe doesn’t qualify as a “clean out the refrigerator meal,” I don’t know what does. Sometimes getting home late to a relatively empty fridge has its advantages. I knew I wanted to use up some leftover diced tomatoes, and I also had some broccoli. We got a bit of chard from our […]

Spelt cornbread for a crowd – Outside the Box

I’ve written before about how spelt flour can sometimes make baked goods come out a little dry. Yes, there are some recipes it works wonderfully with, like these dark chocolate brownies and sprouted spelt flour pizza dough for the bread machine. So you might think that any corn bread, a dish that can be dry […]

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