CliqueClack Food
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Main Dishes


Lamb and chick pea stew, curried lentil stew, baked ziti – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. Somehow, more one-dish meals have crossed my path again this week. What is it about autumn that brings the busy and the cravings for the stews? I guess between school starting and the weather […]

John’s burritos will make you feel like a cheater – Recipe Test Drive

It’s embarrassing, it really is. I call myself a cook, yet I made this ridiculously easy meal for dinner tonight and we all fell over ourselves loving it. It feels a little wrong, like I cheated on cooking a dinner. There’s something not quite right about a meal with essentially four ingredients, but somehow it […]

Gnocchi with spinach, mushrooms and butternut squash – Reverse Menuneering

I attended a wedding a few weeks ago for two of my friends. The bride is a vegetarian, so I knew that whatever the vegetarian option was at the reception, it was going to be good. After all, she’s not going to just feed herself crap, right? I was correct in my assumption, but I […]

Six-cheese white pizza with caramelized onions and broccoli – Pizza Clack

I’m just not quite sure how to open this post, without a bunch of OMGs and such. This really, truly was one of the best pizzas I have ever tasted (if I do say so myself). We based this recipe on a pizza that we adored from a local restaurant, The Boynton, that has a […]

Leeky, Greek-y pasta with figs and radicchio – Fresh Foodie

We had a really fun harvest this week, ranging from lots of leeks to two giant heads of radicchio and a pint of Brussels sprouts. Inspiration struck and I devised a pasta dish that would use all of those, plus some leftover fresh oregano and herbed feta I had in the fridge. Using the weekly […]

Tamale pie, black bean sweet potato chili and other one dish wonders – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. Remember when I posted all of those freeze ahead meals? I’m still on my one dish kick. I guess I’m not so much scouring the internet for one dish meals, but when they cross […]

Why did the onion cross the road? – Redneck Cooking

This week has been a good week. The ducks and geese are starting to migrate so there are more and more large flocks flying around; yet another reason why I love the fall. But the reason that this has been a good week is because of the onions. The wild onion is a mysterious creature. […]

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