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Sixteen healthy crock pot meals – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you. This isn’t the first time I’ve written about healthy crock pot recipes (five to be exact) and I’m sure it won’t be the last. More and more, I’m finding — thankfully! — crock pot […]

Kalua Pig – Redneck Cooking

Every Friday at work we have a treat day: a different person each week brings in food for the group. This is voluntary and we do have some people that do not participate. For those of us that do, we get something tasty each Friday morning. Sometimes this treat is doughnuts from the grocery store […]

Pasta with tuna, red wine and capers

In the event that I came off as a total food snob when I referred to baked ziti as plebian (even though I think it’s completely delicious!), here’s one of our favorite recipes that most food snobs wouldn’t even consider making (because there’s canned tuna in it). We did, however, serve it to a food […]

It’s so easy to be cheesy – Redneck Cooking

Happy Halloween everyone. I hope you all are having a good Halloween. I thought about writing a piece about some cool spooky Halloween kind of dish. I came up with the idea of making a meatloaf into the shape of a hand or a foot or something. Then I came across the Not Martha website. […]

Heidi Swanson’s Tassajara warm cabbage salad – Recipe Test Drive

You only think you know how good this recipe might taste. I’m pretty good at reading recipes, in that I can tell not only what a recipe will taste like, but also what to alter to make it better. I left this one completely alone. My carnivorous husband, who moans and groans when I serve […]

Sausage and pepper baked ziti – Recipe Test Drive

If you’ve been following along at home, you know that I’ve never made baked ziti before. Part of me knows why I’ve been avoiding it: it’s a lot of steps, and a lot of dishes! But this particular recipe had a hook that convinced me it was time to try it. It makes enough for […]

Pasta with an Autumn Sage Cream Sauce

Just this week one of my coworkers was talking about how she only grocery shops once every two weeks. She commented that she doesn’t really mind shopping, but she hates having to plan meals for two weeks. I think my jaw dropped when I heard this, and then I mentioned that I end up at […]

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