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Baked Goods


Chocolate vegetable muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

If you ask my dad, he’d tell you that morning is not the time for chocolate. Isn’t it a sad existence to have such innane boundaries? Of course you may eat chocolate in the morning, and if you open your mind, really open it wide, you’ll enjoy it like no other time of day. There’s […]

Best Bicuits in the world – Redneck cooking

One of my favorite meals for breakfast are baking powder biscuits and gravy. I don’t care what kind of gravy you use, these baking powder biscuits make the meal. My wife makes a fantastic sausage gravy most of the time when she makes biscuits and gravy and I have used deer, elk, bear, beef, and […]

Old-fashioned corn bread – Redneck Cooking

The other day as I was perusing the isles at the Wal-mart, I spied a package of corn bread mix and thought that sounded good. I have not had good corn bread for a while. I had some left over Manwich Spaghetti and decided to have the corn bread with it. I got home, put […]

Raspberry oatmeal chocolate chip muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

Owen was a little fresh last night, so as a threat, Keith told him that we wouldn’t make him pancakes for breakfast. Believe me, that’s a big punishment for this kid. And yes, we get that the punishment doesn’t fit the crime and that there’s probably no way Owen will connect no pancakes to his […]

Celebration dessert – A well deserved sweet treat.

I had a good week last week and I decided to reward myself for my good fortune. I went all week without getting into a fight at work, or at home with the wife. Bo only bit me once, so it was a good week. My reward, I decided, would be my World famous Peach […]

Six fun kids’ breakfasts – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

Being a mom is hard. Sometimes we forget that kids are placed on this earth to remind us that things can’t always go our way. They do things like refuse to eat foods that they like, just to irritate us. For instance, Owen loves vegetables, has always loved vegetables, and until recently, would eat them […]

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