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Baked Goods


Black Forest Brownie Bars – Recipe Test Drive

As the weather is turning colder and the leaves are changing color, one thing is for certain: autumn is upon us. One of the best parts of the fall is Oktoberfest, and I recently attended a German-themed party in honor of the festival. I was tasked with bringing a dessert as part of the festivities […]

Could this chocolate truffle cake be any good?

I’m curious, I really am. This recipe for chocolate truffle cake is low-fat and has absolutely no butter in it. Really, the only fat comes from the low-fat milk in the recipe. This is a problem for me on so many levels. First of all, I embrace fat in my diet. Butter? I’m all for […]

Apple cinnamon muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

When you go ugly-apple picking, you’re bound to have to find something to do with your apples besides just eating them whole (well, take bites) as an afternoon snack. I’m a big fan of the breakfast muffin, as I’m sure you’ve figured out by now since I’ve shared recipes for peachy flax molasses muffins, berry […]

The Apple Crisp War – Redneck Cooking

The other day my wife and I were talking about what to do with the apples we got from our apple trees. We talked about canning them as pie filling, or making apple butter. I suggested that I could use some of them to make apple crisp. We both decided that would be good and […]

Banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

Clearly, we’re a household that loves cookies. From the vegan pumpkin oatmeal cookies to my killer zucchini chocolate chip cookies, we can often be caught baking. I’ve even published a recipe for almond butter banana oatmeal cookies before, and even though they sound a bit similar, these are nothing like this recipe for banana oatmeal […]

Lazy Redneck Cookies – Redneck cooking

I have written many times about my interest in baking. I enjoy making my chocolate chip cookies as well as pies, cakes, cobblers and such. Sometimes in our busy lives, fresh baked cookies sound good but the time it takes to mix up the dough is just too time consuming. It has been a long […]

Spicing up your blueberry muffins – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

The blueberry muffin: part healthy, fruity breakfast; part delicious, cakey dessert for breakfast. It’s been a staple for many folks ever since Al Gore invented it in the late 20th century. However, there are probably times that you get somewhat tired of the same taste day after long, hellish day and want to do something  to spice it […]

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