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What were you thinking, Tropicana?

I love orange juice. I really, really love it. Generally speaking, it is the only beverage that I keep in my house that is not water or alcohol. That includes milk, by the way, which I despise, but that’s fodder for another post altogether. Like many OJ drinkers, I am a brand loyalist. I’ve never […]

Fast Food Generation: my life without Big Macs

Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Keller and, as of January 17th, I have not had a McDonald’s burger or fry in two years. Shocking, I know! Especially since you can’t throw a chicken nugget out the car window without striking a set of golden arches. Nevertheless, it’s true. It’s also a bit […]

Does one minute matter in tea steeping? – Gadget Clack

About a month ago I decided to try switching from coffee to tea. There are great benefits from drinking tea, especially green and white teas. With coffee, not so much. Some people say they don’t want to give up drinking coffee because it helps keep them regular. That’s just an excuse to keep drinking it. […]

Bananas, ripeness and big trouble – Food Rant

There’s big trouble at our house — big with a capital B — and that stands for Banana. Oh, you’d think a bowl full of ripe bananas would be a good thing (and we’ll get to that), but lately, there’s some cause for concern — in the center of our kitchen island is a huge […]

Consider the humble rice cooker – Gadget clack

As I’ve mentioned before, the kitchen in my apartment is TINY.  Tiny enough that pack rat me must be ruthless about the kitchen gadgets I keep around taking up space.  So far, I have managed to forgo a blender, a Cuisinart, a pasta machine and many other handy machines.  I don’t think I would use […]

Root vegetables – Misunderstood ingredients

Once upon a time, I got it in my head that root vegetables were not tasty.  Well, potatoes and sweet potatoes and carrots were fine, but parsnips?  Turnips?  Rutabagas?  Honey, no.  I was certain that they were bitter and nasty. I’m not sure of the origin of this undeserved prejudice.  Perhaps from a story I […]

Christmas eve pea soup – Heirloom recipes

In my family, we celebrate Christmas Eve Polish style (a/k/a Wigilia).  In the version passed down from my maternal grandfather’s side of the family, we have share five meatless courses:  opłatki, homemade pierogi with cheese and dried fruits (another post altogether), pamouli (bulgur with stewed apricots and prunes), cabbage and red beans and pea soup. […]

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