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Now that’s what I call a harvest! – Fresh Foodie

Join Debbie as she raves about whole foods, rants about chemicals and generally celebrates cooking and eating with fresh, local, nutritious foods. And sometimes she might get a little feisty…. You’ve heard it here first. Yes, that’s right: I officially will stop complaining about the piddly amounts of produce our CSA farm has been giving […]

Quinoa and edamame salad with grilled shrimp

There’s something so much fun about getting my edamame harvest every year from our CSA farm. Maybe it’s because I don’t eat unfermented soy normally, so it feels like cheating, or going off the diet or simply indulging. Or it could be simply that it’s fun to cook something I never cook, and the hulling […]

Mushrooms: Delicious and misunderstood

Lauren’s back Guest-clacking for us again, after last sharing with us her diatribe on the atrocity that is mayonnaise. I wouldn’t want anyone to think from my last post that I am a picky eater. I am, but I don’t want you to think that because I hate mayonnaise. Indeed, there are foods out there […]

Armsby Abbey’s artisan cheeses, beer and more – XXX Menus

When my sister-in-law recently told me about a relatively new Worcester restaurant that offers all local fare, I was intrigued, to say the least. Heck, I base my whole column, Fresh Foodie, on championing local, whole foods. So I hopped over to Armsby Abbey‘s website to check out the goods. Yeah, it’s about the beer, […]

Wil Wheaton dishes about eating on Leverage’s set

I recently spoke with Wil Wheaton, probably best known for his role as Wesley Crusher in Star Trek: The Next Generation, or if you are my four-year-old son, the voice of Blue Beetle, Aqualad and Darkstar. He did a recent guest spot on TNT’s Leverage and I talked with him about it. You can read […]

Green bean salad, cinnamon rolls, Ethiopian honey bread – Recipe Roundup

Everyone loves baked goods, right? Even those of us who are watching our carbs can live vicariously by reading these unique recipes (but I’d give anything for just one bite of coffee cake…). I’ve truly never even heard of two of them, and the other is an old favorite that’s been republished. I’m pretty glad […]

Broccoli with leeks and manchego – Do More with Less

Gourmet cooking doesn’t have to entail hours of cooking with a list of ingredients longer than your normal grocery list. Create meals bursting with complex flavors that will please every food snob in your life, easily. I am a huge fan of the side dish. It doesn’t take much to give a side dish a […]

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