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Turkey dinner, redneck style

How I was able to fix a Thanksgiving dinner for my wife before a full day of hunting.

Do you want to eat a healthy Thanksgiving meal? – Fresh Foodie

I ask the question, because some people just don’t care. It’s only one day out of the year, right? Surely it’s OK to have a cheat-fest and eat all that’s put in front of you. If that works for you, go crazy and enjoy.

Last minute Thanksgiving breads, a little off the beaten path – Recipe Roundup

Each week, fabulous recipes grace Debbie’s in-box and pop up on her computer screen, and she’s sharing her favorites with you.

Redneck Thanksgiving – Redneck cooking

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. And despite all of the advertisement, it’s not a day off from work to go shopping for so-so deals on so-so electronic gizmos to give away for Christmas. Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks for all that is right and good in your life. A day to spend with family […]

Thanksgiving pumpkin desserts part four: pumpkin cakes

This is part four in my series of pumpkin dessert recipe roundups. I’ve already looked at cheesecakes, trifles, and bread puddings. And you thought pumpkin pie was the only thing you could serve at Thanksgiving! For this post, I’m turning my attention to pumpkin cakes. Who doesn’t love cake? It’s really the ultimate dessert, isn’t […]

Can I have a home cooked meal for $5.00?

With the cost of everything shooting up I have been looking a lot closer at what I am spending and trying to find ways to cut the costs. As I sat thinking about this while the TV droned in the background, a commercial for a national chain of sandwich shops came on. they were touting […]

Thanksgiving pumpkin desserts part two: pumpkin bread pudding

I’ve been digging through all the pumpkin dessert recipes out there so you don’t have to! This is the second in my series of posts about pumpkin desserts, the first being about pumpkin cheesecake. In this installment, I want to turn my attention to one of my favorite desserts of all time (whether or not […]

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