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Bread Pudding: when the bread goes wrong – Let’s Get Baked

One of the most intimidating thing about making homemade bread is the fear that the bread won’t turn out. There are a couple of ways we can define the bread as not having turned out: The bread is burnt, or the yeast fails to rise at some part in the process, so instead of a […]

Roasted garlic and peppers pizza – Pizza Clack

A pizza topping combination that’s just unique enough to excite you.  One that’s just traditional enough to make you feel all warm and fuzzy. Definitely one that’ll make you salivate. Have you tried roasted garlic and peppers pizza? Anything roasted is a big hit at our house — even broccoli! So imagine the smoky, tangy […]

Buffalo Marys – Bloody Mary Countdown

My husband Dereck loves Bloody Marys. He claims that he didn’t like them a few years ago, but now they are his favorite cocktail. He isn’t a snob: He will order one in a bar or restaurant. But his favorites are the ones he makes at home. Cooking relaxes Dereck, and so does playing around […]

Favorite bread machine pizza dough – Pizza Clack

You can’t make pizza without dough — that’s a given. And the kind of dough you want to use is probably based somewhat on your tastes but mostly on your availability — do you have time to make the pizza crust of your dreams every time you want to make homemade pizza? It would be […]

Memphis-style barbeque tofu – Recipe test drive

As part of my goal to both widen the array of what I eat and have material to provide to this site, I tested out a random dish for dinner. It was actually my boyfriend, Luke, who gave me the challenge that led to this specific dish. We were in the grocery store and he […]

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