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Hold the Meat


Hold the Meat – Food PTSD

When you cut out a food group as big as meat, people are always surprised when you don’t eat what they consider to be a non-meat staple. Luke is completely baffled by the fact that I don’t eat onions and peppers and is kind of surprised that I haven’t just dropped dead. I mean, after […]

Hold the Meat – Wait, what do I eat?

I mentioned in my intro post that when people find out that I’m a vegetarian, the question I get the most is, “wait, well what do you eat?” These aren’t even people like my brother-in-law, who would literally die if meat was taken out of his diet, because he would be down to like, 70 […]

Hold the Meat – Quorn is like porn (of the food variety)

Having been a vegetarian for nearly thirty years, very little in the field of meat-replacement technology surprises me. I grew up on Morningstar Farms, so that’s my go-to company for veggie burgers, veggie hot dogs, and the like. Having never had a hamburger or a sausage patty or whatever, whether or not what I’m eating […]

Hold the Meat – I’m pretty sure my brother-in-law’s colon is going to fall out.

The interesting thing about growing up as a vegetarian is eventually you become an adult and through happenstance, you find yourself living with a meat-eater. When my parents divorced and found new mates, they didn’t make not eating meat one of their requirements. Neither did my sister or I. As a result, the four of […]

Hold the Meat: Vegans

Dude. I hate vegans. I literally cannot listen to somebody say the phrase, “I’m a vegan,” without groaning and rolling my eyes. To me, being a vegan is on par with knowing a lot about wine or reading 19th century poetry in your spare time: you’re clearly a pretentious asshole and any conversation we would […]

Hold the Meat: But what about the CHILDREN?

For instance, did you know that if you start feeding a cute, adorable little baby squash, that he immediately becomes a bileous, stinking factory of DUDE POOP? Because he does. And it’s awful. Baby food in general is a tricky area which I’m going to explore further later on. The big question now is, will the baby be a vegetarian?

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