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Hold the Meat


Hold the Meat – 48 hours, 5 people, 0 meat

A few weekends ago, I escaped to the mountains with two of my friends and two babies. Since we were in a condo in the woods, we weren’t planning on eating out: that meant that we had to go shopping and plan our meals. While Cooper and I don’t eat meat, Elizabeth, Lauren, and Lauren’s […]

Hold the Meat – School Lunch

While there are many downsides to growing up as a vegetarian — the inane questions, the feelings of exclusion — there are definitely some up-sides. My colon probably isn’t going to fall out of my body, for instance. Also, I never really had to deal with school lunch. Sure, I would partake in “cheese pizza […]

Hold the Meat – But what if I did eat meat?

When somebody new finds out that I’m a vegetarian, they invariably say something like, “but what about fried chicken?” or “but what about cheeseburgers?” They are absolutely flabbergasted by the fact that I live without these things that they hold so dear. Yet, somehow I soldier through, and since I’ve never had any of those […]

Hold the Meat – What to eat when the zombies are after you

Last week, before my baby decided to snack on dog food, I was having a difficult time coming up with inspiration for my Hold the Meat column. So I took it to our esteemed writers and asked for ideas. Our resident redneck, Jeff, played to my love of zombies and offered this up: The Zombie […]

Hold the Meat – Is my baby trying to tell me something?

One of my very first Hold The Meat columns dealt with whether or not we were going to raise my then-six-month-old baby as a vegetarian. While we haven’t yet made a final decision regarding this issue, lately I feel as though my kid has been trying to tell me something. The photo above is an […]

Hold the Meat – I’ve fallen in love again

If you’ve been reading this column, then you know that I’ve effusively extolled the virtues of Quorn, the non-soy chicken (and turkey, beef, etc. but mostly chicken) alternative. I’m obsessed with it and think it’s the greatest thing to happen to vegetarians since Ruby Tuesday started serving veggie burgers (before they started to suck hardcore). […]

Hold the Meat – Think being a vegetarian is healthy? Talk to me.

You guys, I can make any good thing bad. Plan a picnic; I’ll bring the ants. Go swimming; I’ll bring the lightning. So it goes without saying that I totally have the ability to make even being a vegetarian unhealthy. Now granted, I am a very healthy person: I never get sick, I don’t have […]

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