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Breakfast at Clique-any’s


The weirdest Easter breakfast ever

I’m all for the unexpected, the little surprises that make our meals fun as well as tasty. Didn’t I just post some unique lamb recipes to perk up your Easter fare? It’s true then: I must be open-minded. Somehow, though, I just can’t get past my, shall we say, distaste for this Easter breakfast recipe […]

Six fun kids’ breakfasts – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

Being a mom is hard. Sometimes we forget that kids are placed on this earth to remind us that things can’t always go our way. They do things like refuse to eat foods that they like, just to irritate us. For instance, Owen loves vegetables, has always loved vegetables, and until recently, would eat them […]

A no-grain breakfast – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

This week, my nutritional kinesiologist took me off carbs. Just for a week … something about my body can’t digest them right now. Whatever, I’m hungry! Imagine, waking up, anxious to get some energy to start your day. You reach for your usual breakfast, only to remember that you can’t eat it! To top all […]

Curry for breakfast! – Breakfast at Clique-any’s

I love curry. For a while there I was making a big bowl of curry almost once a week. I would buy a package of fresh cut stir fry vegetables from my local Whole Foods Market, along with a can of coconut milk, and some meat (usually chicken breast or pork tenderloin). It was an […]

All-in-one breakfast muffin – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

Hey, have you heard about the importance of a good breakfast? OK, I jest, because we all know that a healthy start to our day is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves. From helping keep us slim to supplying our bodies with enough energy to tackle our busy day, a […]

Two mouth-watering breakfast sausages – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

You already know that we love banana chocolate chip pancakes, strawberry oatmeal muffins and eggs. What you don’t know is that Keith is a breakfast meat junkie. Me? I prefer an egg over-easy with my starchy breakfast goodness, or on a rare day, a slice or two of uncured, all-natural turkey bacon. In the interest […]

My favorite smoothie – Breakfast at Cliqueany’s

I have strange tastes when it comes to smoothies. Even though I love plain yogurt (don’t get me started about the gross flavored stuff), I abhor it in a smoothie. And bananas? They are fine for a snack and in chocolate chip banana bread, but in a smoothie, gross. You can imagine, then, how I […]

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