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Does one minute matter in tea steeping? – Gadget Clack

About a month ago I decided to try switching from coffee to tea. There are great benefits from drinking tea, especially green and white teas. With coffee, not so much. Some people say they don’t want to give up drinking coffee because it helps keep them regular. That’s just an excuse to keep drinking it. […]

Bananas, ripeness and big trouble – Food Rant

There’s big trouble at our house — big with a capital B — and that stands for Banana. Oh, you’d think a bowl full of ripe bananas would be a good thing (and we’ll get to that), but lately, there’s some cause for concern — in the center of our kitchen island is a huge […]

Consider the humble rice cooker – Gadget clack

As I’ve mentioned before, the kitchen in my apartment is TINY.  Tiny enough that pack rat me must be ruthless about the kitchen gadgets I keep around taking up space.  So far, I have managed to forgo a blender, a Cuisinart, a pasta machine and many other handy machines.  I don’t think I would use […]

A good crock pot chili … at last!

Consider it the Holy Grail … I’ve been searching for a good crock pot chili recipe for a long time now. In true Indiana Jones style, I’ve fled from runaway boulders on food websites, I’ve sunk in the quicksand of cookbook after cookbook, and I’ve waded through the pit of snakes, finally to come out […]

An ode to savory muffins

Would you believe I had never tried a savory muffin before? Please, line me up for the blueberry with the streusel topping, the pumpkin corn muffins or the zucchini carrot. Out of all the muffins in my repertiore, I’d never thought to try a savory one. Until last night. It was one of those serendipitous […]

Poutine anyone?

Unless you visited the Province of Quebec, Canada, or ate at a Miami restaurant owned by Quebecers, it’s unlikely that you ate a real poutine. And if you tried making what Shania Twain claimed to be a poutine when she appeared on Martha Stewart’s show a few years back, you definitely did not eat a […]

Hey, it’s National Hot Tea Month!

There are two things that get me through life: one is television, and the other is tea*. I don’t think I could function without either one. January is National Hot Tea Month! Not that tea lovers need a special designation to remind them to drink tea (and these cold days make a perfect time to […]

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