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The most comforting thing I ate today

For me, it had to have been the fried egg that accompanied my banana chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast this morning. There’s just something about an over-easy egg that comforts me. Is the fact that I am eating a healthy protein? Is it the bright contrast of the whites and the school-bus-yellow yolks? I think […]

Memphis-style barbeque tofu – Recipe test drive

As part of my goal to both widen the array of what I eat and have material to provide to this site, I tested out a random dish for dinner. It was actually my boyfriend, Luke, who gave me the challenge that led to this specific dish. We were in the grocery store and he […]

What were you thinking, Tropicana?

I love orange juice. I really, really love it. Generally speaking, it is the only beverage that I keep in my house that is not water or alcohol. That includes milk, by the way, which I despise, but that’s fodder for another post altogether. Like many OJ drinkers, I am a brand loyalist. I’ve never […]

Analyze your recipes online for healthy eating

Nowadays, people are trying to eat healthier than they have before. Just look at how the menu at McDonald’s changed over the past few years to fit that shift in eating behavior. If you had told the owner of McDonald’s 10 years ago that in 2009 the restaurant chain would be serving salads, he would […]

I’d like some pork with my pork – The Fattening of America

Folks, I want to alert you to a conspiracy to fatten every single American who goes out to eat. We’re not talking about aliens who are slowly taking over by injecting small amounts of cellulite into us every night; that’s just a known fact that’s been on the cover of The Sun. What we’re talking […]

Fast Food Generation: my life without Big Macs

Let me introduce myself. My name is Richard Keller and, as of January 17th, I have not had a McDonald’s burger or fry in two years. Shocking, I know! Especially since you can’t throw a chicken nugget out the car window without striking a set of golden arches. Nevertheless, it’s true. It’s also a bit […]

Bagels! – Let’s Get Baked

This week we’re going to make bagels — from scratch! I will repeat the recipe here, but if you would like detailed instructions on how to make dough from scratch, please see the first post I did for this column. Look for the recipe after the jump. I want to start by saying that I […]

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