CliqueClack Food
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Pizza Clack – Butternut squash, sage and prosciutto

One of our favorite things to cook together as a family is pizza. Sure, the bread machine makes the dough, but I stretch it out on the pan (or Keith rolls it out and grills it when weather permits), Owen pinches and snitches chunks of raw dough while he spreads the sauce on, and we […]

Hey Food Network, where’s all the Asian cuisine? – Food on the Tube

I love watching Food Network “in the kitchen” during the mornings on the weekend. More often than not, I’ll see something that inspires a dinner that night or sometime during the week. Watching these blocks of cooking programs, however, leaves one big question in my mind…. Where is all the Asian cuisine? Food Network has […]

Kumquats: sweet, tart and not for the four-year-old – Pop Your Cherry

I know it’s weird, but somehow kumquats have evaded me all these years. Until yesterday, I had never eaten a kumquat. They look like miniature oranges, but they sure don’t taste like them. The inside is so tart that it is pungent; even a little bit salty. The rind balances, though, with its gentle sweetness. […]

16 reasons to have beer in the house

I loves me my beer. I’ve had many different kinds through the years, from the cheapies to the premiums, and I’ve had a hand in making my own batches from time to time. I’m sure many of you are reading this and thinking one of three things: “I don’t drink.” “Only 16?!” “I need but […]

What are you giving up for Lent?

It’s not just for Catholics anymore, if it ever was. I have several non-religious friends, and the topic du jour (particularly in Facebook status messages) is what people are giving up for Lent. Interestingly enough, a lot of decisions involve food. So far, the most popular decisions I’ve seen are giving up potato chips, eating […]

Seven time-saving ideas for healthy cooking

Cooking healthy is hard, right? We know that whole foods are the answer, not convenience foods that come in a box. Let’s face it — preparing meals from scratch can be a total drag, especially during the witching hour when the kids are tired and clingy and you’re on your last shred of patience. It […]

Feed me! – Steel cut oatmeal redux

Not long after my first post about oatmeal, my Bay Area friend ajh emailed me his favorite steel cut oats recipe. It wasn’t long before I tried it out, and once I knew how good it was, I couldn’t keep it to myself! This oatmeal is almost decadent. The oats have such a creamy feel […]

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