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I’m nuts (and chocolate) about Nutella

I’m always shocked, and a little appalled, when I start talking about Nutella and someone doesn’t know what it is. How can someone live their life without knowing about the existence of this amazing chocolate and hazelnut spread? It’s sweet, creamy, with chocolate overtones and hazelnut undertones. What’s not to love? For my money, Nutella […]

Hold the Meat: Vegans

Dude. I hate vegans. I literally cannot listen to somebody say the phrase, “I’m a vegan,” without groaning and rolling my eyes. To me, being a vegan is on par with knowing a lot about wine or reading 19th century poetry in your spare time: you’re clearly a pretentious asshole and any conversation we would […]

Tropicana bends to my will (and the will of many others)

If you aren’t a drinker of Tropicana orange juice, then you probably haven’t noticed the change in packaging that they rolled out a few months ago. When it first came out, I wrote about the new packaging and how much I hated it. In short, it looked generic and the distinguishing features between each different […]

Organic gardening at The White House

I just had to share this little newsy tidbit with all of you, because it warms the cockles of my heart, hearing news stories like this, celebrating healthy food and education. The Obamas are putting in the first vegetable garden at The White House since World War II. How cool is that? It gets cooler […]

Nineteen things to do with plain yogurt

You’ll never open the refrigerator in our house and find it void of organic, plain, whole milk yogurt. This is a staple in our house, for more than just your typical yogurt uses. Yeah, I still purport that eating it from the 32-ounce container with a big spoon when no one is looking is probably […]

I am Bob, destroyer of food processors – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

That’s right, everyone, I have killed my food processor. I was recently making some super delicious scones and decided to use my food processor to mix the dough. I don’t have a standing mixer and I think that the food processor cuts the butter into the dough better than a mixer can, anyway. The problem […]

What exactly is fast food? – Fast Food Generation

When I began this column for CliqueClack Food back in 1909 I thought of one thing when it came to fast food: McDonald’s. And why not? The Golden Arches is the epitome of the ‘grab-and-go’ generation with its greasy burgers, greasy fries, and ability to order, pay, and pickup without leaving the confines of your […]

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