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Quinoa-stuffed zucchini – Recipe Test Drive

Alright. I’m just going to put this out there: This stuffed zucchini recipe is so good it almost made me convert to Judaism. I was all set to talk to a Rabbi, but then I was told that this recipe had nothing at all to do with Judaism. It turns out my friend Elizabeth (who […]

Fast food + nearby schools = fat teenagers

When I was a kid, lo those many scores ago, schools were never built around retail and food outlets. They were on hills. Steep hills. Hills that you had to climb upwards, both ways, without shoes, during daily blizzards, while hauling a sack of coal on your back (since you worked in the mines before […]

Fructose-sweetened beverages are bad for you. Get! Out!

News flash! Or, maybe not. We’ve known for years that theĀ use of high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener has led to increased obesity and heart disease across all age ranges. Now, after a controlled and randomized study, it’s more or less verified. During a three month period researchers at the University of California, Davis, concluded […]

Hold the Meat – Wait, what do I eat?

I mentioned in my intro post that when people find out that I’m a vegetarian, the question I get the most is, “wait, well what do you eat?” These aren’t even people like my brother-in-law, who would literally die if meat was taken out of his diet, because he would be down to like, 70 […]

If cleanliness is next to godliness, I am the devil – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I love to cook. This is not news. There are so many things about cooking that I love — things that might seem odd or even boring. I love to chop vegetables. I love to trim large cuts of meat. I love to handle raw chicken. I know, I’m strange. There is one thing about […]

Cameo apples – Pop Your Cherry

It’s always an adventure when Keith offers to stop by Whole Foods on the way home from work. Don’t get me wrong — I greatly appreciate the help with the grocery shopping, but somehow, things seem to get jumbled up in the translation of my grocery list into Keith-Speak. Sometimes, it will be something annoying […]

Glark’s world-famous veggie chili – Recipe Test Drives

I’m a bad vegetarian. Growing up in a family where we ate out most of the time and no one really cooked has made me a mostly non-adventurous eater. Case in point: veggie chili. This is one of those dishes that’s super-easy to make and infinitely customizable. Well, I’ve got the super-easy part down, but […]

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