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I am a food snob – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

Is this really news? I’m not sure if it’s come through from my posts yet, but I am indeed a food snob — a huge food snob. If it isn’t obvious, I do all my grocery shopping at my local Whole Foods Market (or as some of my friends have dubbed it, “Whole Paycheck”). I […]

Broccoli ten plus ways

Is it stereotypical to love broccoli like I do? It’s certainly one of the most widely available veggies all year long, so I guess that lots of people eat it. I tend to think I’m a little avant garde, enjoying broccoli uniquely, because in our house, we don’t just steam it or toss it into […]

Potato Salad – The World’s Easiest

In case I haven’t made it abundantly clear, I’m not super-comfortable in the kitchen. In fact, one of the reasons I started writing for CliqueClack Food is because I had a baby and wanted to become more comfortable so I could feed my family well. So it should come to no surprise that I don’t […]

The best pizza pan ever – Pizza Clack

Who doesn’t love pizza? There is a large part of me that is convinced it is the next evolutionary step for food, sort of like people who are ambidextrous. It’s nearly perfect; it’s portable, versatile, can be eaten hot or cold, and in most cases tastes really, really good. Even the nastiest, greasiest piece of […]

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