CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian

Kona Gallagher

Twitter: kona99
Bio: If you live on the East Coast and watched a local ad on cable between 2002 and 2005, there's a chance I had something to do with that-- I may have even written it. I'm sorry and I promise that I never *wanted* to end a commercial with a shot of the employees standing in the parking lot and waving; it just happens. Right now, I confine my writing to various corners of the internet, including the entire CliqueClack family of sites. If you travel between the sites, you can probably figure out enough information about me to steal my identity. So good luck with that, sucker. Have fun paying my student loans.

Posts by Kona Gallagher

Hold the meat – What did I eat at my Memorial Day cookout?

Woo! Happy Memorial Day! I actually took some time off for the first time in forever and stayed mostly offline for the weekend. As a result, I feel as though I’ve just awoken from a coma. It’s kind of weird. Anyway, during some of my time with the real world, we celebrated the holiday by […]

Hold the Meat – Why don’t you just eat a burger?

The biggest negative about being raised a vegetarian is that the decision is made for you. While other people can grow dreads, decide they hate their middle-class upbringing and decide to become a vegan in college, when you’re raised a vegetarian, you can’t put on a suit and order a steak. It just doesn’t work […]

Hold the meat: Luke breaks his silence

Earlier, I was on the couch, watching Judge Judy and trying to figure out what to write for this week’s column. Nothing was really coming for me, so I asked Luke’s advice. “Honey, what should I write about for “Hold the Meat?” “Why don’t you write about what hell it is to cook for you […]

Hold the Meat – Ignorance is bliss

I hated how, when I was a kid, being a vegetarian made me different. It wasn’t just that I couldn’t have the pepperoni pizza in the cafeteria; I couldn’t have Oreos, because my dad told me that the filling was just sugared lard. This, it turns out, was only partially true. I couldn’t eat Jell-O […]

Asparagus, fingerling potato, and goat cheese pizza – Pizza Clack

Man, I wish I could be more like Debbie. She makes her own spelt pizza dough; I buy the pre-made Harris Teeter-brand dealie. She cooks exciting things that she just has laying around the house; I have to go on a grocery excursion. She’s finding inventive ways to cut carbs from her diet; I decide […]

Hold the Meat – Food PTSD

When you cut out a food group as big as meat, people are always surprised when you don’t eat what they consider to be a non-meat staple. Luke is completely baffled by the fact that I don’t eat onions and peppers and is kind of surprised that I haven’t just dropped dead. I mean, after […]

Quinoa-stuffed zucchini – Recipe Test Drive

Alright. I’m just going to put this out there: This stuffed zucchini recipe is so good it almost made me convert to Judaism. I was all set to talk to a Rabbi, but then I was told that this recipe had nothing at all to do with Judaism. It turns out my friend Elizabeth (who […]

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