CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian

Kona Gallagher

Twitter: kona99
Bio: If you live on the East Coast and watched a local ad on cable between 2002 and 2005, there's a chance I had something to do with that-- I may have even written it. I'm sorry and I promise that I never *wanted* to end a commercial with a shot of the employees standing in the parking lot and waving; it just happens. Right now, I confine my writing to various corners of the internet, including the entire CliqueClack family of sites. If you travel between the sites, you can probably figure out enough information about me to steal my identity. So good luck with that, sucker. Have fun paying my student loans.

Posts by Kona Gallagher

Hold the Meat: But what about the CHILDREN?

For instance, did you know that if you start feeding a cute, adorable little baby squash, that he immediately becomes a bileous, stinking factory of DUDE POOP? Because he does. And it’s awful. Baby food in general is a tricky area which I’m going to explore further later on. The big question now is, will the baby be a vegetarian?

Hold the Meat: an introduction

I was born in Hawaii. That is both how I got my ridiculous name and how I became a life-long vegetarian. I don’t really know the details (mainly because I don’t want to), but the basic story is that my dad was a hippie who may or may not have at one time believed he […]

Veggie Versions – Gumbo

I recently moved, and while there are many benefits to my new abode (I haven’t heard anyone yell, “GUN!” followed by, “COPS!” once!), one of my favorite things about the new digs isĀ  the fact that I have a decent kitchen. My big New House Resolution is to get in the kitchen some more and […]

Memphis-style barbeque tofu – Recipe test drive

As part of my goal to both widen the array of what I eat and have material to provide to this site, I tested out a random dish for dinner. It was actually my boyfriend, Luke, who gave me the challenge that led to this specific dish. We were in the grocery store and he […]

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