CliqueClack Food
Seasonal Columns Cuisine Vegetarian

Jeff Love


Posts by Jeff Love

Tater Soup is good for the soul – Redneck Cooking

While the weather out West here has been fairly hot lately I was watching the news and they were talking about how cold it has been back in New York. I also have friends on Twitter from Michigan and Wisconsin that have been telling me about how cold it has been there. As I sit […]

Meat Lovers Pie – Redneck Cooking

The other day all day long at work I was craving red meat. Hamburger, bacon, sausage, hot dogs — they all sounded so good. I could not decide which I wanted more. I heated up my Top Ramen for lunch and ate it. The Top Ramen did not satisfy my hunger.I began to form a […]

High-tech Redneck Cooking

How many of you use Twitter? I have mentioned my use of Twitter several times in my posts and I always update my followers when new posts go up here on CliqueClack Food. Twitter is a great tool. There are millions of people that use Twitter as well. I have a very diverse group of […]

Kitchen disasters – Redneck Cooking

Well I intended to post the best possible breakfast imaginable this morning. I had it all worked out. In my dreams last night I came up with the perfect recipe. I had picked up some fresh cherries at a road side stand in Naches Washington last weekend and wanted to use some of them for […]

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