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Bob Degon

Bio: I'm an obsessive TV watcher, jumping head first into my favorite shows (which have included Twin Peaks, Buffy, Angel, Deadwood, and Lost). I've also been known to force my love of TV onto others. Blogger by night, by day I spend my time designing medical products as an engineer (I know, don't hold it against me).

Posts by Bob Degon

My problem with sushi – Eat Drink and Be Snarky

I love sushi. I love the rice, I love the fish, I love the wasabi. I love the big beautiful plates they serve it on. I love the pickled ginger. I love chopsticks, miso soup, and seaweed salad. I. Love. Sushi. Look at those beautiful slices of salmon up there… Oddly enough, salmon is easily […]

Spice up your broccoli

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I’m sure: I love broccoli. I really think I could eat it every night of my life and I’d be okay with it. I love it that much. Sometimes, though, I do like to do something different with it. As much as I like it […]

Balsamic reduction sauce – The world’s easiest

I almost feel guilty making a post out of this sauce, because it barely takes any work at all. Heck, it’s barely even a recipe. With two ingredients, it’s more of a technique than a recipe, but I figured it might be helpful to some folks. Plus I’ve added a nice variation at the bottom […]

If cleanliness is next to godliness, I am the devil – Eat, Drink, and Be Snarky

I love to cook. This is not news. There are so many things about cooking that I love — things that might seem odd or even boring. I love to chop vegetables. I love to trim large cuts of meat. I love to handle raw chicken. I know, I’m strange. There is one thing about […]

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