I don’t ask for much these days. As a mom of an almost-five-year-old who really, really likes me to put him to bed, I don’t get out much. So after a long week, when Friday night finally rolls around, I drink.
I know what you’re thinking, but work with me here. I’m not talking vodka in a secret flask inside my semi-attractive yet hefty mom purse. The perfect wine to match the delectable meal Keith and I have prepared for ourselves, to unwind and satiate — that’s what I’m talking about.
Sometimes, if we’re really lucky, there’s some of the bottle left for after Owen goes to bed. That’s when the real fun begins. Not because we’re drunk, because by that time the wine has basically put me to sleep. That’s right, it’s time to get out the chocolate. Sure, the caffeine might counteract the alcohol a bit and keep me awake to watch a TV show or two, but really, the pleasure is in how the wine and the chocolate compliment one another. In the words of any Japanese female judge on the original Iron Chef, they make my mouth happy. Or make my taste buds sing.
Last Friday night was a particular treat, because we were drinking Cline Ancient Vine Zinfindel. It went fabulously with our Delmonico steak, but I had forgotten just how perfectly this particular wine goes with chocolate. Believe me, I won’t forget again.
I’m ashamed to admit I didn’t even pair it with any fancy gourmet chocolate, like Green and Black’s 85% Dark, or Dagoba’s Eclipse or Ghirardelli’s Midnight Reverie (just a few of my favorites). No, this particular Friday night was one of desperation, so I shoved handfuls of Sunspire Grain-Sweetened chocolate chips down my wine hole, chased by the Cline Zin.
OK, I’m not ashamed to admit it, because it was perfect.
I’m guessing I know what you’ll be doing this Friday night.
I am currently polishing off a bottle of Estancia Cab with a bar of my favorite super-dark: Hachez 88%
Now that’s one we haven’t tried yet… the chocolate, not the wine!
Adding that to my Whole Foods list….
OK — got it, tried it … love it! The texture is superb; it melts in your mouth like no other chocolate I’ve had. And it’s not too shabby with Cote de Rhone.
Yeah, that’s what I loved about it. It almost seemed “creamier”