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What am I making for Mother’s Day? I have no friggin idea.


momday_cakeSoooo, how’re things? You, um, doing anything on Sunday? Per… haps making something for your Mom/Wife/MomMom on Mother’s Day? Any…, uh, anything you want to pass on?

Okay, I’ll admit it… I need help! At this moment in time I’m utterly clueless as to what I should make my lovely, beautiful, hard-working wife for Mother’s Day. I definitely know I need to make something because going out would be somewhere near root canal on the pain scale. Plus, I want to whip up something nice for her as a thank you for what she does for me and my four (soon to be five) kids. And, yes, I have the ability to cook!

So, I’m turning to you for some assistance. I’m looking for something simple, yet somewhat original to prepare on Sunday. Not just lasagna or plain pork chops or chicken. I’m looking for something with flavor that won’t take me hours to prepare because, with four kids, I don’t have hours to prepare. So, when you’re ready, discuss.

Photo Credit: The Mighty Tim Inconnu

One Response to “What am I making for Mother’s Day? I have no friggin idea.”

May 9, 2009 at 10:12 PM

Oh boy Rich — you’re really up the creek now, with all of these ideas! ;-)

OK, let me help you out with a few ideas that are easy and cheap:
– marinated flank steak and easy mesclun salad
– roasted veggies and grilled chicken
– sausages, mashed potato and balsamic reduction
– grilled fish, grilled acorn squash rings, grilled zucchini — no dishes!

Let us know on Monday what you decided to cook and how it came out!

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