CliqueClack Flicks

Movie and DVD reviews

Into the Abyss – Emotional and powerful examination of the why of death

‘Into the Abyss’ is the latest documentary from Werner Herzog that takes a difficult look at a triple homicide in 2001 and why death occurs, both by criminals and by the state.

Adam Sandler times two in Jack and Jill

Adam Sandler co-stars with himself, his friends, Katie Holmes and a major movie star in the new comedy ‘Jack and Jill.’ And it’s actually funny!

J. Edgar explores the many sides of the myth of Hoover

Clint Eastwood takes on the life and times of J. Edgar Hoover. But does he try to emulate ‘The Social Network’ just a little too much?

Atlas Shrugged … and I nodded off

Ayn Rand’s novel ‘Atlas Shrugged’ comes to the big … I mean small screen and it’s fantastic … if you’re having a bout of insomnia.

Harold & Kumar are back to save Christmas … in 3D!

Stoners rejoice! Harold & Kumar return in a new holiday movie, and in 3D. But can ‘A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas’ make up for their second film?

Tower Heist – Moderately enjoyable if very ridiculous comedy

‘Tower Heist’ is another timely “in the zeitgeist” populist movie about the working man’s revenge – it’s not completely hilarious, but it’s not so bad either.

Anonymous – A movie that thinks it’s better than it is

‘Anonymous’ is a thriller/romance about the authorship of Shakespeare that fancies itself quite clever – but stumbles quite mightily along the way to a tepid conclusion.

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