CliqueClack Flicks

Movie and DVD reviews

Being Flynn – Dignity through failure

‘Being Flynn’ tells an honest and brutal story of life’s failures and triumphs.

Does John Carter live up to the hype?

Disney has been hyping up ‘John Carter’ for quite some time, not nearly as long however, as fans of Edgar Rice Burroughs have been waiting for their favorite characters to grace the big screen.

Plan 9 From Outer Space … on Blu-ray … ?!?

Is the Blu-ray treatment of the world’s worst film the best utilization of the technology? Yes, it is. And it’s the best ever …

Project X – Impressive and appalling at the same time

‘Project X’ offers a lot of nausea-inducing shaky cam imagery with appalling and irresponsible storytelling … but it still manages to have some impressive directorial touches.

Act of Valor – Sing your death song

Unless you’ve walked in the boots of a Navy SEAL or other service member who’s served ‘downrange,’ you’ve never seen action as realistic as ‘Act of Valor.’

Wanderlust – Equal parts funny & stupid

‘Wanderlust’ is a a slightly smarter ‘Hangover,’ but just as funny and foolish.

Wanderlust drags along and outlasts its welcome

Are you ready for painfully awkward, drawn out laughs and copious amounts of male genitalia? Neither was I, but that’s what I got with ‘Wanderlust’!

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