CliqueClack Flicks

Feature presentations

Young Frankenstein – Where are they now?

For my part of Young Frankenstein Week, I chose to find out where our favorite members of the cast are at this very moment. Some stories are happy. Some … aren’t. But it’s real life, and someone has to write about it.

31 Days of Halloween – Interview with the Vampire

‘So you want me to tell you the story of my life?’ asks a long-haired, green-eyed, sharp-fanged Brad Pitt, at the start of this fantasy/horror/drama crossover. And the story he tells is unbelievably entertaining.

Young Frankenstein – Quotations in black and white

Comedic gold is the result of the efforts of Mel Brooks and Gene Wilder for ‘Young Frankenstein’. If you’ve seen the movie, I’m certain you’ve uttered one of its quotes a time or two. If not, here’s your chance!

Killer Blog From Cyberspace: Robocop

In ‘Killer Blog From Cyberspace’ I post my thoughts about messed up B-movie horror, and weirdo, shocking slasher flicks. This week: ‘Robocop’. Yes, ‘Robocop’.

A week of Young Frankenstein!

CliqueClack is geared up for a ‘Young Frankenstein’ series of posts we’re sure you’ll enjoy! Come along … or there could be a riot. And …”A riot is an ungly thingk… undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun.”

Vincent – A loving homage to a horror icon

For this guy? Tim Burton’s classic 6 minute short is part of a Vincent Price love affair … in black and white and animation all over.

The Fly – ‘Don’t be afraid.’

As the 31 Days of Halloween buzz along, I look back on a classic sci-fi/horror crossover. Or should that be a sci-fi/horror fusion …

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