CliqueClack Flicks

Feature presentations

Joyful Noise – Sing hallelujah!

‘Joyful Noise’ may be simplistic in its storytelling, but the performances and the music more than make up for any of the script’s shortcomings.

Why everyone hates Anne Hathaway as Catwoman

It seems that everyone likes to hate on Anne Hathaway as Catwoman … but why?

Why do found-footage movies like Chronicle still work?

The “found footage” (aka, shaky cam) format of filming isn’t something new, but the past few years have had their share of them. At what point do we get tired of it?

2011’s movies that should have been better

2011 had a list of big movies that promised a lot of entertainment. Unfortunately, these are not them.

The best popcorn movies of 2011

You probably won’t find an Oscar contender on this list, but these are the ten movies that entertained me most this year.

Another view of We Bought A Zoo

I think it’s rather a good trick to be able to enter a film you don’t want to see and come out a fan of it at its conclusion. Such was the case with this Matt Damon vehicle.

Poll – Favorite Christmas Movie

It’s that time of the year when TV show go on hiatus and holiday specials rule the airwaves. But the movies have also brought us some magical moments through the years, so we want to know, what’s your favorite Christmas movie?

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